Monday, April 7, 2014

It is Monday. The sun is shining! I hope you had a good day. We had a tough time focussing today but we had a good time getting outside!

We talked about stars and constellations today. We also learned how we find out some of the information we know about starts. We also wrapped up the physical geography of East and South East Asia. Wednesday we will take a look at the history and culture of the region. Well, a very brief overview since that is a LOT of history to cover. We also worked through a pretest in order to prepare for the math test tomorrow. The students were given a copy of the pretest to work off of to make sure they know how to do each kind of problem.

CL: none
Science: notes on 25-1 for tomorrow
Geo: Group test sheet for tomorrow
Music: Composer due on Wednesday
Literature: project due on Friday
Math: test tomorrow
English: double sided sheet for Wednesday. Skip the last part on the back side, but please read directions on the rest!
CE: none
Vocab: 166-170 for Thursday

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