Monday, May 12, 2014

Our last full week has begun. As the weather warms and the school year wraps up, it will be even harder for our students to concentrate. Please encourage them to finish strong with their work and their behavior.

AR points are due on Friday. As a group our class is doing well, just a few more people need to get to their goal!

Thanks so much for all of the gifts last week. They were very much appreciated and some have already been used!

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: none
Music: words for graduation song will be written from memory on Friday
Literature: ws on ch 19-23 (we read them in class on Friday and today)
Math: we took a test
English: ws 23-3 for Wednesday
CE: none
Art: picture is due tomorrow
Memory work: 7th petition and Doxology for the Lord's Prayer

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