Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Today for math we work on prime factorization. We learned two different ways to find the prime factors, then we found the GCF using those prime factors. We also started a new book for our read Teacher Reads time. Good news, we did well on our math test yesterday. 

WE ARE GOING ON A FIELD TRIP NOVEMBER 7th. Look for the permission sip. We will eat a cold lunch at the location. 

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 304 vs 1,5,7 for FRIDAY
Math: Lesson 21 skip 1,4,13,15,20 for FRIDAY
English: none
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
Science: Study Guide for FRIDAY
Vocab: none
Music: none
Cat: none
Literature: none

Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday comes so quickly doesn't it?  Some students commented on being up very late last night. Please encourage your students to get a good night's rest. Thanks!We started testing today with the reading test parts one and two. Tomorrow we plan to get some language arts tests in. Wednesday and Thursday will be the big test days. We tried to start our Prezsi's today, but since none of the people who were up today were ready, we had a lesson instead. I guess it is a good thing I didn't keep the due date on Friday! We will try again as soon as we are able.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 304 vs 1,5,7 for FRIDAY
Math: took a test
Science: keep working on the study guide. We won't get to it on Wednesday for sure anymore, but be ready for FRIDAY
English: Sheet 5-3 for TOMORROW
Vocab: None
CE: none
Geo: Prezi (Latin America was due TODAY)
Literature: none
Music: Theory sheets were due today, nothing new

Friday, September 26, 2014

Happy Friday! The students had a happy Friday since we smuggled the Chromebooks into the 7th grade room today and got everyone online and working. We did a few vocabulary games on the Vocabulary Workshop web site. Then we got down to business working on our Prezis and/or Living History  projects. I think we made some good progress both on the content and on using the technology. That also meant that we had less time to get assignments! Works out well with a beautiful weather weekend (and soccer tournament) ahead.

Don't forget, testing next week.

CL: none
Memory: hymn 304 vs 1,5,7 for FRIDAY
Geo: Prezi (Latin America will start on Monday, Europe will be a few weeks yet)
Science: Study Guide (Because of today, the earliest it would be due would be Thursday, but Friday is looking more likely.)
CE: News Quiz for MONDAY
Literature: none
Music: theory worksheets for MONDAY
Math: Investigation problems 12-25
Vocab: none

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Back for more? Great! Today we went through the entire math pretest as a group. Hopefully that helps us pass our test on Monday. In science we talked more about atoms and protons, newtrons, and electrons. We then filled out a chart on the board on how these interact with one another. We then had a chance to do the sheet on our own. In Vocab Workshop we talked about how knowing root words can help us spell and define words. We also spent some time practicing our hymn.

Remember that tomorrow I am scheduling time to work on Living History night and Prezis. Please have your student bring anything he/she may need.


CL: none
Math: none
English: sheet 5-3 for Tuesday (FOLLOW DIRECTIONS)
Science: atoms work sheet for FRIDAY
CE: none
Geography: none
Literature: none
Music: none
Vocab: p 49 for TOMORROW
Memory: 422 all 4 vs for TOMORROW

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Happy Wednesday to you. On Friday we are going to be having a work day. We are going to take some time (not all day) to work on our Prezi and Living History projects. Since 8th grade will be gone at WLA, I am hoping we will be able to use the Chrome books to get some work done on both projects. It will also give me a chance to monitor how our network handles that much traffic at once. Please help remind your student to bring anything they may need to work on these such as a resource book. We will start presenting the Prezis on Monday.

Today we talked about area and using squares and square roots. We also started learning about Latin America.We mostly heard about lots of mountains and waterways. There was also an incident with a skunk in literature.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 422 vs 1-4 for FRIDAY
Music: none
Science: Study Guide (due date will be next week. When depends on our testing schedule. The earliest would be Wednesday)
CE: none
Geo: Prezis
Literature: none
Art: none
Vocab: pp 47-48 for FRIDAY
Math: set 20 skip 6,15,19,26,28

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Thus another day marches on. Today the big news was perimeter. We went around and around with it covering the length and width of the issue until we all could see outside the polygon. We spent a few min going over the thesis statements. We are getting more of them where they need to be, but some are still going to need some work. We also learned about rules for subject verb agreement with the weird stuff like collective nouns (crowd, band) and nous that look plural but are actually singular (mumps, news). We have a practice sheet, but I am sure there will be some questions tomorrow.

P.S. I missed celebrating my 1,000th post to this blog. So, congratulations on being part of my 1,005th post to this blog about the goings on in 7th grade!

CL: none
Music: hymn 422 for FRIDAY
Music: none
Art: ?
Vocab pages are due for THURSDAY
Science: none
English: ws 5-2 for THURSDAY
CE: none
Geo: sheets for WEDNESDAY
Math: set 19 skip 5,10,16,18,23
Literature: none

Monday, September 22, 2014

How did it get to be Monday already? Yesterday was spent correcting and entering grades, so your student should come home with some papers today. We spent a chunk of time discussing thesis statements today. We used a few websites that gave examples and some suggestions, especially the "so what" test. Check them out if you'd like. First site Second site. We also found out about the 'new' Brian, discussed similar and congruent figures and even heard about a polygon party. We also are working on our Prezzis. I plan to start the first batch on Friday. (The first batch is Latin America. Europe will have quite some time yet.)

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 422 vs 1-4 for FRIDAY
Math: set 18 skip 8,13,20,24,29 for TOMORROW
English: none
Vocab: pages 47-48 for THURSDAY
Science: none
CE: none
Geo: ws 9-12 for WEDNESDAY
Lit: we read ch 13 in class no assignment
Art: oil pastel maze, sketchbook, line w.s.

Friday, September 19, 2014

It is Friday and there is Faith and Fun tonight! Be that as it may, we still did lots of work today. We Wrote our hymn, got intro'd to our new hymn, and learned that the guy who wrote the hymn wrote almost 2,500 hymns total! Ask your student how many of those made Christian Worship. We also talked about connotation and denotation in words. Questioned, grilled, interrogated and interviewed all mean the same thing, but we don't think about them the same. We also talked about possessive pronouns and nouns.(For example) Ask your student about HIS classwork. Then we took our science test about science. (Imagine that.) In current events we learned that the UK survived the historic vote in Scotland. Then for geography we played with maps some more.

It's been a busy day to end a busy week. Well not end, since many of us have at least one tournament this weekend. GO PANTHERS! (When is nap time?)

One last thought. Ask to see your student's assignment notebook. I am not seeing them used much at all, and I am also seeing work not getting handed in on time or even done on time. There might be a connection.

CL: None
Music: none
Memory: Hymn 422 vs 1-4 for FRIDAY
English: none
Vocab W.S. Pages 47-48 for THURSDAY
Science: none
Math: set 17 skip 11,16,18,25,28
CE: ws for MONDAY
Literature: none
Art: oil pastel maze, sketchbook, line ws for TUESDAY
Geo: map activities A and B for MONDAY, (keep plugging away on Prezi especially countries in Latin America)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Well, I got my 2 top priority tech jobs accomplished and made a little progress on my second level jobs. The class meanwhile worked on idioms, function tables and got started on their geography presentations in addition to getting a bit extra recess. (Got to take this weather when we can get it.)

MEMORY:VS 1-4 of the hymn are due tomorrow!
Vocab ws: pages 45-46
Science: test tomorrow
Math: set 16 skip 11,12,19,20,22
English: none
Music: none
CE: none
Literature: ws ch 11 tomorrow
Geo: Prezi, ws F for tomorrow
Art: oil pastel maze, sketchbook, line w.s.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What beautiful weather we are having today. The big thing today was that we talked about our first quarter geo country project. The students got their assigned country and their log on information. (A few students did not get their info, I am investigating that.) We also finished The Outsiders today. Many students would like to see the movie; however, due to some language in the movie, we won't be watching it in class. It is rated PG but be advised that it was made before PG-13 was a rating if you'd like to watch it at home. 

Tomorrow I will be taking a technology day. We have some nagging issues that need dealing with so Mr. H decided to get a sub for me so that I can spend the day trying to make some headway on these tech issues. I will still be around the building, but the sub will be handling the classroom duties.    

We took our math test today. I look forward to seeing how we did. We also took another chapter in class for literature. That seems to be working a bit better. In science we finished our section on science. We talked about how to do it ethically, but how science can not answer ethic questions. 

Math: took test
CL: none
Memory 588 1-4 for FRIDAY
English: sheet 4-3 from yesterday for TOMORROW
Vocab: pages 42-44 from Friday for TOMORROW
Geo: Prezi
Literature: ws on ch 11 (We read it in class)
Science: Notes on 1-2
Music: none
Art: oil pastel maze, sketchbook, line w.s. for TUESDAY
CE: none

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So another school day is crashing towards its close. Math we have a test tomorrow. We will not be doing a pretest as a class this time around. Right now I have planned to do a pretest every other test and see how it goes.  We did some review for our math lesson today. We talked about equivalent fractions. However, since you need to know how to do that in order to reduce or add fractions, it should have been pretty much review.

Did you know that tomorrow is the halfway point of our quarter? Check up on your student using Engrade. Your log on information should be the same as you set up last year. Let me know if you need help.

Living History topics were due on Monday. I didn't remind the students and as a result got none. SO, let's make it before the week is over, I should have your student's topic in my hand. Thanks!
Just a reminder the due dates are in the packet I handed out to the parents on orientation night and again a couple of weeks ago to the students.

September 15 Topic Due
September 22 Initial Thesis due
October 6 Notes checked
October 13 Outline checked
October 20 Rough draft due. 
November 7 Final copy due 

CL: none
Memory: hymn 588 vs 1-4 FRIDAY
Math: set 15 skip 14,19,21,23,26 WEDNESDAY
English: ws 4-3 due for THURSDAY
Lit: chapter 10 ws for THURSDAY
Music: none
CE: none
Geo: ws 6-2 for WEDNESDAY
Vocab: pages 42-44 for THURSDAY
Art: Oil pastel maze, sketchbook, line w.s. for TUESDAY

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday already? How did that happen? I'll tell you what else happened. We figured out how simple probability works, talked about variables in science experiments, found out (SPOILER ALERT) Johnny died, and discussed some of the issues that Canada and the US face today.

CL: none
Memory: hymn 588 1-4 for FRIDAY
Math: set 14 skip 7, 10, 12, 14, 15
English: none
Science: notes on 1-1 for TOMORROW, study guide for THURSDAY
CE: none
Geo: 6-2 "quiz" wsh
Music: none
Lit: ws for Chapter 10 (we read it in class)
Cat: Sermon summary and some memory work I bet
Vocab: pages are due for THURSDAY

Friday, September 12, 2014

Happy Grand day! Ask your 7th grader about today and they will probably let you know that they didn't get all of their recess time and still had math! Never mind getting out of a science assignment and a CE assignment, on English assignment, and getting to skip geo and lit to hang out with grandparents!  We had fun!

CL: None
Math: set 13 skip 11,13,18,24,25 for MONDAY
Music: none
Memory: vs 1-4 of hymn 588 for FRIDAY
English: none
CE: none
Science: none
Geo: none
Lit: none
Vocab Workshop: pages 42-44 for THURSDAY

Thursday, September 11, 2014

We are almost through another week and we are nearing the halfway  through the quarter. Today we worked on more story problems and practiced subtracting correctly. We also watched a video that talked about globalization in the US and how 9/11 affected that. We also took our science test. We read our literature chapter in class.

CL: none
Memory: hymn 735 vs 1,2 for tomorrow
Math: set 12 skip 13, 15, 17, 20, 28,
English: none
Vocab: pages 39 - 41
Science: none
CE: none
Music: none
Literature: none
Geo: none

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Staying dry? We kept dry in here today but we did talk about hydroelectric power some. We checked through our study guide for science. We did better this time around. We also did fairly well on our math tests. Today we tackled story problems. We talked about how the problems are easy, but you need to set them up right. We did manage to get Brian in trouble with a porcupine as well.


CL: none
Math: set 11 skip 7, 10, 14, 19, 21 TOMORROW
Science: test TOMORROW
CE: none
Geo: "quiz" 6-1 for TOMORROW
Literature: Read ch 8 and be ready for a quiz TOMORROW
English: Living History topic
Music: none
Memory: Hymn 735 vs 1+2 for FRIDAY
Vocab: 32-38 for THURSDAY

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

SOCCER GAME! Got to run!

CL: none
Math: took a test
Geo: ws from yesterday for TOMORROW
Science: Study Guide for TOMORROW
CE: none
Lit: Read chapter 7 for TOMORROW (quiz maybe?)
Vocab: 32-38 for THURSDAY
English: Living History night topic
Memory: hymn 735 vs 1 and 2 for FRIDAY

Monday, September 8, 2014

Welcome to another episode of 7th grade! We have faculty meeting in a few min. so I need to keep this short. I did want to mention, however, that we did a nice job on our hymn last week and on our math pretest. Hopefully we do as well on the real math test tomorrow!

CL: none
Cat: passages and sermon summary
Science: notes on section 3 and study guide for WEDNESDAY
CE: none
Geo: finish the worksheet from Friday on 5-2
Lit: read chapter 7 be ready for a possible quiz
English: ws 3-3 for TUESDAY  (I still have redo sheets available for 2-3 due for Friday)
Vocab: pages 32-38 for THURSDAY
Hymn: verses 1 and 2 of hymn 375 for FRIDAY

Friday, September 5, 2014

Hello my friends. We weren't as harried today so we had lots more time to get work done during the day. We also worked on a pretest for math in groups today so most everyone should have no math homework. Yea! We also talked about the culture of the US but ran out of time for Canada, so they will just have to wait, eh.

Anyhow, I best move this along and get my kids home.

Music: none
Memory: Hymn 735 for next FRIDAY
Math: pretest today
English: worksheet 303 for TUESDAY
Vocab: pages 32-38 for THURSDAY
Science: Notes for MONDAY, Study guide for WEDNESDAY
CE: ws for MONDAY
Lit: Chapter 6 for MONDAY
Geo: None

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Busy busy day, so much to talk about and so little time! Ugh! We got through most of it but I did let them out of literature today to help ease the load. We also spent 15 min. this morning going though our hymn for tomorrow with a partner.

We tried to explain the entire history of the US and Canada today. There was too much. We summed up. We also tried to figure out how we make electricity. Turns out we boil water and turn a turbine. Fractions continued to grace us with their presence as well.

CL: None
Memory: hymn 391 for TOMORROW
Math: set 10 skip 4,10,15,18,23 for TOMORROW
Music: none
Vocab: none
Geo: worksheet 5-1 for TOMORROW
CE: none
Lit: none
Science: notes for TOMORROW
English: none

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Picture day! What pretty children we have!

Today we spent time going over lesson 8 in math. We picked out the problems that gave us the most trouble and did them again in class. We then had some time to work on corrections. I also made copies of yesterday's English assignment available to anyone who wanted to redo it. Check with your student to see if they took one. For science we started looking at Earth's energy resources and how some are non-renewable and what the means. We talked about good coal and bad coal among other things. We also got a lot of science teasers during our geography discussion of the US and Canada. (We even talked about having dessert in the desert.)

Our literature sheets are due tomorrow, but if your student has been working on them through all five chapters, there shouldn't be much left. The homework should be pretty light tonight so please encourage your student to do any or all of the following: 1. Work on math corrections. Most students got lesson 8 done during class, but they could work on lesson 7 as well. 2. Work on the hymn for Friday. The verses are shorter than normal, but there are six of them. Waiting until Thursday night or Friday morning is not a good idea. 3. Keep working on AR points. The students got their goals today. Very few have taken any tests yet.

Book orders are due next week Thursday. You can order online using the code on the order forms. Otherwise make out any checks to me as I will pay by credit card.

CL: none
Memory: hymn 391 all six verses for FRIDAY
Math: make corrections
Vocab: pp 29-31 for THURSDAY
Science: nothing
Geo: finish off the notes
CE: none
Literature: sheets from 1-5 due THURSDAY
English: none

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Lions and tigers and bears! Oh my!

Today we spent some time talking about the importance of following directions. We had some grades that would have been much better if the directions were followed. If anyone would like to take another crack at it, have them speak to me.

In math we worked on working with fractions and their reciprocals. Remember when adding and subtracting fractions we need common denominators; when multiplying we do not. When dividing fractions we flip the SECOND one and then multiply.

Mr. Ehlke came in to speak to us about band. It is a wonderful experience that I highly recommend. I am on my second and third children in the grade school band program and it continues to be a wonderful experience for my children. Also, it is a great value. You will be hard pressed to find anything else that offers as much as the band program for such a reasonable fee. (I've tried.) If you are at all interested talk to Mr. Ehlke about specifics.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 391 all verses for FRIDAY
Math: set 9 skip 1,2,12,14,24
Music: none
English: none (redo today's assignment if needed/desired have your student see me)
CE: none
Geo: none
Science: none
Vocab: 29-31 for THURSDAY