So another school day is crashing towards its close. Math we have a test tomorrow. We will not be doing a pretest as a class this time around. Right now I have planned to do a pretest every other test and see how it goes. We did some review for our math lesson today. We talked about equivalent fractions. However, since you need to know how to do that in order to reduce or add fractions, it should have been pretty much review.
Did you know that tomorrow is the halfway point of our quarter? Check up on your student using Engrade. Your log on information should be the same as you set up last year. Let me know if you need help.
Living History topics were due on Monday. I didn't remind the students and as a result got none. SO, let's make it before the week is over, I should have your student's topic in my hand. Thanks!
Just a reminder the due dates are in the packet I handed out to the parents on orientation night and again a couple of weeks ago to the students.
September 15 Topic Due
September 22 Initial Thesis due
October 6 Notes
October 13 Outline checked
October 20 Rough draft due.
November 7 Final copy due
CL: none
Memory: hymn 588 vs 1-4 FRIDAY
Math: set 15 skip 14,19,21,23,26 WEDNESDAY
English: ws 4-3 due for THURSDAY
Lit: chapter 10 ws for THURSDAY
Music: none
CE: none
Geo: ws 6-2 for WEDNESDAY
Vocab: pages 42-44 for THURSDAY
Art: Oil pastel maze, sketchbook, line w.s. for TUESDAY