Thursday, May 5, 2016

It's really Thursday this time, right? Are you sure? OK, good. Can you believe i passed up the chance to say May the 4th be with you yesterday? Anyhow, we continued our study of Paul's missionary journeys today. We also did some more work on surface area. If you want to quiz your child, ask her what 4 pi r squared is for. We started an in-depth look of the early years of the space race.

By the way, I made an adjustment on the AR goals for this quarter. The program automatically adjusts the points based on how many days in the quarter. The longer the quarter, the more points are needed. However, this quarter, the points were up quite a bit, especially when you figure in that we want the points all done before that last week. So, I managed to get them down to back around what the first two quarters were.

CL: ws for Monday
CE: none
Memory: none
English: none
Lit: none
Music: ws for TOMORROW
Geo: none
Science: project for next week Thursday
Math: set 105 see below


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