Friday, September 9, 2016

Happy Friday! We took another test today and had pretty much no issues. Yea! We also wrapped up lesson 10 in math by reviewing mixed numbers. We also got introduced to our flex topics for the year. We also closed out our olympics.

We had a mix up with our hymn today. I had a typo on the hymn sheet so some students thought we had two hymns due next Friday and none today. Most of the students wrote the hymn today, but I did give those few the option to write it on Monday.

Memory: hymn 391 for Monday, Hymn 485 for Friday
CE: news quiz for MONDAY
Math: set 10 for MONDAY
English: ws for Tuesday keep working on the paper
Lit: none
Geo: none
Science: none
Music: none
Vocab: 24-28 for Friday
CL: none

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