Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy cold Thursday. We had about an hour or so today to work on the papers. Some students did so, while some chose to work on their other homework. That's fine, but if your student says they have no homework tonight, then it is time to work on their paper!

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: lesson 5 for next Thursday
Science: test tomorrow
Geo: Study guide for Monday
Lit: chapter 5 summary tomorrow
English: final copy tomorrow
Math: set 68 skip 2,4,8,17,21
Health: nothing
Music: Brahms for Friday
CE: nothing
Art: nothing

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What a snowy blowy day out there! Be safe everyone! We spent some time on finding the surface area of three dimensional shapes. We also looked at physical features of Africa and also spent some more time on climate. We also had lots of study time. Tomorrow we will also as we set aside some time to work on the papers for English.

Spelling: unit 18 tomorrow, test Friday
Memory: lesson 4 passages tomorrow
Science: Study guide tomorrow
Geo: study guide Monday
English: paper
Lit: We read the chapter in class, summary for Friday
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: Brahms for Friday

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Howdy! We finished our Africa prezis today and will get into the geographical features tomorrow. We also looked at climate types and will finish up the section tomorrow. We worked with more ratios today. We talked about how to find a missing number when we have the total. We are working on writing a narrative with dialogue in it. After learning how to punctuate dialogue, now we get to put that into practice.

Thursday 8th grade is gone on a field trip so we will have another paper work day. It won't be as long as long as last time, but with no phy ed or choir, we will have some time to work.

Spelling: unit 18 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: passages and hymn verse for Thursday
Science: study guide for Thursday
Geo: nothing
English: paper
Lit: Chapter 4 and summary for Friday
Math: set 66 3,5,11,20,29
Art: nothing
Music: Brahms for Friday
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Monday, January 28, 2013

Monday again! How are you doing? We had a fine day learning about African countries, climate and elves among other things.

Spelling: Unit for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: lesson 4 passages and hymn for Thursday
Science: Study guide for Thursday
Geo: nothing
English: paper
Lit: Chapter 4 summary for Wednesday
Math: took test today
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art; nothing
Music: Brahms for Friday

Friday, January 25, 2013

Yea! It's above 0! We had a pretty mellow day. We took a lot of time to work on our papers. We did get to talk about circumference, and pie. I mean pi. Yea, the students were disappointed it wasn't pie. We also talked about Brahms and his music.

Spelling:Unit 17 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: 2 passages and a hymn verse from lesson 4 for Thursday
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
English: paper
Lit: Chapter 3 and a summary
Math: set 65 7,8,11,15,27
Art: nothing
CE: news quiz for Tuesday
Health: be a wise shopper

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Hi there!

Tomorrow we will have class time to work on our research paper. Please help your student to remember to bring their materials to work on. Thanks!

Also, please remember that we are collecting money to get some scrip cards for our former students who are now training to be pastors and teachers. If you are planning to help out, please remember to send the money tomorrow!

Also, also, WASSAC T-shirt orders are due tomorrow.

Also, also, also,  . . . just kidding.

Spelling: test tomorrow
Memory: Lesson 4 from the CL book for next Thursday
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
English: paper
Lit: Chapter 2 summary
Math: set 64 skip 3, 4, 7, 12, 24
Music: Chopin
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: eat breakfast

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Thanks to all the visitors who stopped by today. We had a good time reviewing science and competing to see who could answer the most student generated questions. We also went through what to do when there are several symbols of inclusion in one math problem. We also came up with a list of good shopping tips.

Spelling: unit 17 for tomorrow, test Friday
Memory: You Have the Words, and the 3 passages from CL lesson 3
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
English: ws from yesterday for tomorrow
Lit: Chapter 2 and chapter summary from the Hobbit
Math: set 63 skip 3,6,24,27,30
Health: don't shop hungry!
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: Chopin for Friday

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

math aid

Back for more are ya? Well then, let me tell you that we did some good review in science today. Over the weekend I re-discovered some good weather web sites that I had bookmarked. We checked out some today and had a good review of fronts, and wind and weather. I have some more fun reviews lined up for tomorrow as well. We also watched a few short videos about the countries we have been studying in geography. Tomorrow we will check out the quiz questions the students wrote. In math we reviewed how to classify triangles. We are trying some new sheets that are designed to help the students see what the problem is looking for and also get used to working through all the steps of the problem. Take a moment to check them out and see what you think. We also are continuing to work on how to punctuate quotes correctly. We will do some work together in class tomorrow.

Spelling: unit 17 Thursday, test Friday
Memory: You Have the Words of Eternal Life and the passages from lesson 3 for Thursday
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
English: ws for Thursday
Lit: Read chapter one and write a summary for Wednesday
Math: set 62 skip 4, 6, 12, 18, 24
Health: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: Chopin for Friday
CE: nothing

Monday, January 21, 2013

Stay warm people! Happy MLK Jr. day! The Hobbit was begun today!

Spelling: Unit 17 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: lesson 3 passages and You Have the Words
Science: quiz on section 3
Geo: foldable and 6 quiz questions
English: work on paper
Lit: Chapter 1 and summary for Wed
Health: nothing
Music: Chopin
Art: nothing
CE: nothing
Math: set 61 20,24,25,27,29

Friday, January 18, 2013

A hush fell over the classroom as pencils scratched across the papers, their graphite tips leaving a streak behind. The students hunched over their desks, searching for that elusive treasure, an A. (In other words we took our math test today that we spent all period yesterday reviewing for.) We also spent some time working on some decorations for the hallway, sharing our favorite passages. We made some notes and cards for Mr. Jacob Haag to encourage him in his study to be a pastor. We looked at some of the "stan" countries in geography as well. Ask your student why their country names have stan in them. We checked out a video about hurricanes that talked about them but also what we are doing to track them and try to prepare for them. As if that wasn't enough, we learned about monodic and polyphonic music by comparing Bach and Chopin. Curious? Click here .

Spelling: Unit 17 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: "You Have the Words of Eternal Life" and lesson 3 passages for Friday
Geo: notes
Science: quiz on Monday
English: work on paper
Lit: nothing
Math: took a test
Art: nothing
Music: Chopin

Thursday, January 17, 2013

As odd as this is going to sound, we had a lot of fun going through test form A for math. We did every problem in class. Tomorrow we will take form B. The questions are all of the same type, but with different numbers. We also went through several of the problems that students got wrong on set 60. Some were incorrect because we didn't read the problem carefully enough. We are going to do better at that from now on! We also finished up the section on tornadoes and hurricanes. We had some really good discussion and turned a short half of a section into a full class. We did the same with Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan. (We even snuck President Nixon and China into that discussion.) We also worked on our song for next week. Please remember to return your slip that lets us know which service your family will sing in. (Remember that their are games Thursday night.)

Spelling: test tomorrow 
Memory: lesson 3 for next Thursday
Science: quiz tomorrow (it's a long one!)
Geo: notes
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: test tomorrow

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hello again! We spent a lot of time working through math today. It is always fun to see that "light bulb" light up above a students face when he or she gets it. We also started looking at fronts and weather. We were able to compare US weather maps over 36 hours and watch how the air masses that we learned about today. We will keep saving maps this week and watch the weather move. We already saw an occluded front disappear and a stationary front that, wait for it, stayed stationary! We also got through a few more countries. Tomorrow we will look at Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. I didn't want to rush through those.

We are also going to do some different things for math. Tomorrow we will go through the test from A together, and then on Friday the students will take form B as the test.

Spelling: Unit 15 due tomorrow
Memory: Lesson 2 passages and hymn verses for Thursday
Science: quiz on Friday
Geo: notes
English: ws due tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Math: the rest of lesson 60

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hey, what's up by you? We spent most of our math lesson today reviewing the assignment for today. We did not do as well as we wanted to. When we got done with the lesson, there was almost no study time left, so for tomorrow we only have five problems due. We are going to get the rest of the set assigned tomorrow, so any student is welcome to work ahead as long as they get the five for tomorrow done. SO it is kind of like having two days to do the entire set, but at least the five have to be done for tomorrow.

We also spent a lot of time checking out the different cloud types. I found a web site that does a nice job of describing the ones we talked about. cloud types Check it out here. We also finished our lesson on how to properly punctuate quotations. We started looking at some of the closer Asian countries like Lebanon and Syria in geography. We even found out that it is "Istanbul not Constantinople" over in Turkey.

Spelling: unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
MW: Lesson two passages and hymn for Friday
SC: quiz tomorrow
Geo: notes
English: ws for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Math: set 60 DO 1,9,10,12,20 for Wednesday, the rest of the set for Thursday
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Monday, January 14, 2013

Wow, that was a lot of bb this weekend. Good job to all our athletes. Today we started discussing weather. We stopped when we got to clouds since this section is a long one. We will have our heads in the clouds tomorrow though! We also looked at the countries of North Africa. They have a lot of blessings, but also a lot of challenges. We did some easy number line work in math and started watching Where the Red Fern Grows. We also checked out some health info from the USDA.

Spelling: unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: lesson 2 memory for Thursday
Science: nothing
Geo: notes
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 59: 2,3,5,6,11
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
Health: nothing
CE: nothing

Friday, January 11, 2013

It's the end of the quarter as we know it, and we feel fine . . .

Spelling: Unit 16 for Thursday, test Friday
Memory: CL lesson 2 passages and hymn for Thursday
Science: none
Geo: took a in class open book test
English: keep working on paper
Lit: nothing
Math: set 58 2,4,9,10,19
Art: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thanks for dropping by again.
I wanted to say a heartfelt "thanks!" for the Christmas gifts. I received a commerce gift certificate from the class which I cashed at the bank and then used to buy scrip from Faith. This gave Faith some technology money, paid a bit toward my next year's school fees and got me some gas and grocery cards. Don't worry I did splurge and got a Subway card as well. Thanks so much for that and all my gifts.
Please remember that tomorrow is a half day and the end of the quarter. The AR points were all supposed to be in by last Friday, but there are several students who are still incomplete. Please check and see if your student is one.

Spelling test tomorrow
CL: nothing
Science: review sheet for tomorrow
Geo: nothing
English: nothing
Lit: ch 20 and ws due tomorrow
Art: work on house
Music: Bach due tomorrow
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Math: set 58 for Monday 2,4,9,10,19

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Geo Bee today! We also did some review.

Spelling: Unit 15 tomorrow, test Friday
Memory: lesson 1 passages for Thursday
Sc: 2 ws
Geo: none
English: work on paper
Lit: ws and chapter 20 for Friday
Math: nothing
Art: work on house
Music: Bach for Friday
Health: nothing
CE: nothing

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Hey, nice to see you again. What have you been up to? We have been up to lots including negative exponents, the histories of lots of countries, the atmosphere and wind, and getting into high gear on our papers.

Spelling: Unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: passages for Thursday
Science: 2 ws for tomorrow
Geo: timeline for tomorrow
English: work on paper
Lit: ch 19 for tomorrow, ch 20 and ws for Friday
Health: nothing
Music: Bach for Friday
CE: nothing
Art: work on house for Friday, more to come
Math: 57 skip 3,10,12, 17, 28
Health: nothing

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome back. Today we  kept plugging along. We got to the history and religions of our region today. We will need two days to cover that. We also talked about wind patterns and learned some background for weather and tornadoes. We went over what I am looking for on the note cards. Remember to bring the resources tomorrow. Also, please remember if you have questions regarding the paper, look at the hand out I gave each student. I gave them a copy several months ago and then another copy before Christmas. It covers most everything.

Spelling: Unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: 3 passages for Thursday
Science: quiz tomorrow
Geo: Time line activity for Wednesday
English: bring resources tomorrow
Lit: read chapter 19 for Wednesday
Health: eat vitamins and minerals
Music: Bach sheet for Friday
Art: work on house project
CE: nothing
Math: set 56 skip 1, 13, 17, 22, 27, 28

Friday, January 4, 2013

Happy Friday! Today our devotion was lead by Pastor Boggs from WLA. Thanks to him for his message! We also had A-team boys pics and cheer leading pics. We also had our spelling B. Very Exciting! The winner was, oh wait, I'll let your student tell you.

Spelling: Unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: memory from lesson 1 for Thursday
Science: quiz Monday
Geo: map activity Monday
English: ws 12-3 for Monday
Literature: read ch 17 and 18 for Monday
Math: took a test
CE: nothing
Art: in class
Music: Bach sheet for Friday
Health: nothing

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome back to school! We started our short week today by starting a new Christ Light book entitled How Can I Get Along Better . . .  The first lesson is how we can get along better with family members. We also started a new chapter in Science looking at the atmosphere. Ask your student about the "magic" trick. We also got onto exploding balloons and also dinosaurs but we did get though the lesson by stealing a little time from our discussion of the physical geography of the Middle East and some other areas. In English we talked about transition words. In math we worked with average and multi-step problems. We wrapped things up learning about the fiscal cliff and how we didn't jump off of it, but we did slide down a bit with a promise that someone would hopefully bring a rope in the next two months.

Spelling: nothing this week
Science: ch 15-1 quiz tomorrow
Geo: map activity for Monday
English: students need to bring sources to school by Tuesday
Math: set 55: 7, 14, 19, 25, 29  test tomorrow