Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Hey, what's up by you? We spent most of our math lesson today reviewing the assignment for today. We did not do as well as we wanted to. When we got done with the lesson, there was almost no study time left, so for tomorrow we only have five problems due. We are going to get the rest of the set assigned tomorrow, so any student is welcome to work ahead as long as they get the five for tomorrow done. SO it is kind of like having two days to do the entire set, but at least the five have to be done for tomorrow.

We also spent a lot of time checking out the different cloud types. I found a web site that does a nice job of describing the ones we talked about. cloud types Check it out here. We also finished our lesson on how to properly punctuate quotations. We started looking at some of the closer Asian countries like Lebanon and Syria in geography. We even found out that it is "Istanbul not Constantinople" over in Turkey.

Spelling: unit 15 for Thursday, test Friday
MW: Lesson two passages and hymn for Friday
SC: quiz tomorrow
Geo: notes
English: ws for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Math: set 60 DO 1,9,10,12,20 for Wednesday, the rest of the set for Thursday
Health: nothing
CE: nothing
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

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