Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Welcome one and all to the extravaganza that is 7th grade. Today we checked out pollution in the ocean. Most of it actually starts on the land! We also discussed how dirt could actually be polution. Then we took another swing at our geography project. We will spend a little more time on it tomorrow and see where we are at. For math we took our test. Hopefully we worked carefully. I noticed on our assignment for today that we had several cases of doing the wrong problem, subtracting instead of adding, multiplying wrong and the like. Hopefully we didn't do any of that on our test!

Today we started having Mr. Herkstroeter supervising recess so I could answer math questions during recess. I got no takers today, but Thursday will present another opportunity.

Science: ws for tomorrow
Geo: work on improving project
Literature: bring money and dress nicely on Friday
Vocab: 2 pages due for Thursday
Math: took a test
CE: none
English: ws for tomorrow
Music: none

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