Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Welcome to Tuesday. We crammed quit a bit in today and got some important information.
The students may hand out valentines tomorrow at lunch time if they wish.

As part of our ongoing process of becoming a Google Apps for Education (GAFE) school, I have set up Google accounts for the 7th and 8th graders to use for their research papers. This will allow them to work on it more easily at school and at home. If they share it with me correctly, I am also able to help them during the writing process. It would be helpful if they would use Google Docs as they work on the rough draft but they may also write it by hand. The final copy should be done in the Google however. The Google account also comes with email. However, the email feature is not totally set up yet. As such students may not receive any email at this time. There are no plans to change this until summer. Also, I have set it up that they may only send emails to accounts that end in @faithlutheranfdl.org. So, essentially, the only people the students can email is the staff. I went through the basics of how to access the account and share the document today at the end of the day, but I am sure we will go over it again. Kind of exciting!

CL: ws due Monday
Science: section 2 worksheet due tomorrow
Geo: section 3 worksheet due tomorrow
English: rough draft of WA 18 on page 115 due tomorrow
Math: set 70 skip 2,5,13,24,29 due tomorrow
CE: none
Music: none
Vocabulary Workshop: pages 124-125 for NEXT WEEK Thursday

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