Friday, January 30, 2015

Happy Friday! I checked on the students' progress toward their AR goals and put it in Engrade under literature. We are about halfway to the due date. Time is running out for donations for the Solutions Center. Please send in your donation next week and encourage your friends as well. We have a long way to go toward our goal. Our hymn for next week will be 429 vs 1-3.

CL: none
Memory: 429 1-3 for FRIDAY
Math: set 65 skip 7,8,11,15,27
English: ws for TUESDAY, 4 min speech
Vocab: 133-135 for THURSDAY
Science: none
Geo: none
CE: news quiz for MONDAY
Lit: project
Art: sketchbook
Music: theory sheets for FRIDAY

Thursday, January 29, 2015

It's Thursday, and what a Thursday it is! We corrected the Russia study guide but put the test off until Monday. We also started watching Where the Red Fern Grows, added negative numbers and learned some new words as we learned about the history of orthodontics.

Memory: 752 vs 1-2 for TOMORROW
CL: none
Science: none
CE: none
Geo: test MONDAY
Vocab: 126-132 for TOMORROW
Music: none
Lit: Project
English: 4 min speech
Art: sketchbook
Math: set 64 skip 3,4,7,12,24

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Happy Wednesday! We finished our Prezis with a quick look at Iran. Ask your student if he or she can give one reason why the people of Iran may not be too fond of Americans. We also worked on math problems with symbols of inclusion. In other words, what do we do with problems that have lots of brackets and parenthesis like 12 + [4(5-2)]. Start on the inside and work your way out. We watched a video on earthquakes and some of the technologies to try and prevent damage.

CL: none
Memory: hymn 752 vs 1-2 for FRIDAY
Vocab: none
English: 4 min speech topic for TOMORROW (could be the same as the research paper)
Science: none
CE: none
Literature: projects
Music: none
Math: set 63 skip 3,6,24,27,30
Art: sketchbook for TUESDAY
Geo: Russia review for TOMORROW

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Tuesday is here! The big news for today is that I informed the students that we will be starting to work on 4 minute speeches for English. This is going to be a challenging project for the students. The will need to write their own speech and then present it to the class. This is out of their comfort zone, but that is exactly why it is important for them to do. We will work on writing a good speech with a focus and then work on presenting it well. It is amazing how loud students can be right up until they have to get in front of the class and present ;-) Notes are allowed, but the speech can not be read. This project is going to take some practicing and won't be able to be put off until the last minute. The first step is to have a topic picked out by Thursday. It should be something that the student is interested in and also be something that others may enjoy being informed about. We are not looking for a persuasive essay (Why you shouldn't smoke) but rather an informative one.

CL: none
Memory: hymn 752 vs 1-2 for FRIDAY (your student got a handout and I shared it to their google account
Math: set 62 skip 4,6,12,18,24
Science: none
Geo: Russia review for THURSDAY (a few prezis for WEDNESDAY)
English: topic by THURSDAY
CE: none
Lit: 1-9 for WEDNESDAY, project for Feb 6th.
Music: none
Art: sketch book
Vocab: none

Monday, January 26, 2015

Happy snowy Monday. Faculty meeting, BB game and a voters' meeting! Lots going on today. We had a few tings going on in our classroom today as well. We corrected our music theory sheets and the students hard work was evident. We also worked at finding the area, perimeter and angels of a parallelogram. We got a big review for Russia and our project choices for literature. These are due February 6th because I expect them to take some time. This will be a major grade for literature this quarter. Please encourage your student not to wait until the night of the 5th to work on it.

CL: none
Memory: Hymn 752 (I gave the students the words and shared them with their google addresses)
Math: set 61 skip 20,24,25,27,29
Science: none
CE: none
Geo: Russia review for Thursday, prezis for Wednesday (for those from the first group who haven't gone yet)
Literature: 1-9 for WEDNESDAY, projects for FEB 6th
Music: none
Art: Sketch books
Vocab: none
English: none

Friday, January 23, 2015

Happy Friday! It was nice to see some parents and some grandparents today! We started our geography prezi's today. We've done better. We did well on the math test yesterday though!

Memory: 752, vs 1-2 for FRIDAY
CL: none
CE: news quiz for MONDAY
Math: investigation for MONDAY
Science: none
Literature: 1-9 for WEDNESDAY
Geo: none
English: none
Vocab: none
Art: sketchbook for TUESDAY
Music: none


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Greetings! Looking forward to seeing some of you tomorrow. I have some serious work planned and a little fun as well.

CL: none
CE: none
Memory: none (we wrote it today)
Math: took a test so none
Geo: Prezi - first batch due tomorrow
Science: none
English: none
Literature: none
Art: sketchbook or TUESDAY
Music: theory for tomorrow
Vocab: review worksheets for tomorrow

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Today we went through our math pretest and the students corrected their own as we went through how to do each problem on the board. The test will be tomorrow and will consist of the same kind of problems with the numbers changed. I got the grades entered right away and made the sheets available so that if any student got some wrong, they are able to look at them tonight and make sure they know how to do them for tomorrow. We spent some time talking about Russia and some of the changes that have happened politically and economically since the fall of the USSR. IN science we started talking about earthquakes. We used the USGS web site to track earthquakes that were happening around the world. In the last 24 hours there have been almost 240 earthquakes. Around 2:00 Papa New Guinea suffered a 5.1 and a 5.7. California is working on 90 in the last 24 hours! The novel I am reading to the students mentioned the classic Abbot and Costello "Who's on First" routine. So we ended the day watching that. They enjoyed it!

CL: none
Memory:Psalm 62 for TOMORROW
English: Paragraphs on Christian Education rough draft for TOMORROW
Geo: none
Science: ws for TOMORROW
Vocab: 123-125 for TOMORROW
Lit: finish ch 18 for TOMORROW
Music: Theory sheets for FRIDAY
Memory:  Psalm 62 for TOMORROW
Art: Sketch book for TUESDAY

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday! Hazah! Not much new today, just working on a math pretest and a math meet test. Otherwise we are working on finishing up the things we started yesterday.

CL: none
Memory: psalm 62 for THURSDAY
Math: pretest for WEDNESDAY
Art: Sketch picture that illustrates impact word and action frame for TUESDAY
Vocab: 123-125 for THURSDAY
English: Christian Education is important to me because . . . paragraphs for THURSDAY
CE: none
Music: theory worksheets for FRIDAY
Lit: Ch 17 and ws for WEDNESDAY
Geo: 15-1 ws for WEDNESDAY
Science: notes for WEDNESDAY

Monday, January 19, 2015

Welcome back. Ya all sit down for a spell. Today we tackled translating story problems into math equations in order to solve those equations. We also visited Russia and took a look at some of the economic things they have going on, and some of the changes that have happened since the fall of the USSR. We also wondered what changes may happen due to Mr. Putin being in charge. We also finished our section of tectonic plates. This sets us up to learn about volcanoes and earthquakes, oh my! We also spent a little time learning about Martin Luther King Jr., the Montgomery Bus Boycott, and listened to a small segment of the so called "I Have a Dream" speech.

CL: none
Memory: Psalm 62 for THURSDAY
Math: set 60 skip 3,7,8,13,15
English: Wsh 11-3 for TUESDAY
Science: notes for section 3 for WEDNESDAY
Geo: ws 15-1 for WEDNESDAY
Vocab: due for THURSDAY 123-125
CE: none
Lit: chapter 17 and ws for WEDNESDAY
Music: theory sheets for FRIDAY

Friday, January 16, 2015

Happy tournament Friday. We ended the day with a fun pep fest after starting the day with a great devotion. Today in English we talked about how to avoid long rambling sentences that really should be several sentences and not one long sentence because it has several ideas in it and long sentences are hard to understand and annoying to read and good writers avoid them because they destroy the clarity of a sentence and we want there to be clarity so people can understand what it was we were writing about so we combine sentences in a variety of ways to make our writing easier to read and understand. We also worked on dealing with negative numbers using a number line. Please encourage your student to work slowly and carefully. We are getting many problems wrong because we are not finishing the problem, doing steps backwards, or not reading the directions carefully.

CL: none
Memory: our song for church next weekend is due on THURSDAY
CE: None
Geo: Prezi
Science: notes for WEDNESDAY
Lit: none
Vocab: 123-125 THURSDAY
Math: set 59 skip 2,3,5,6,11
English: 11-3 ws for TUESDAY
Music: theory sheets for FRIDAY (look them over for Monday for any questions)

Thursday, January 15, 2015

THe championship raccoon hunt is in full swing and Billy is in the finals! We learned how to find line and rotational symmetry in 2D shapes. In addition, we discovered that Russia has a long history in the arts and music and the sea floor is spreading and growing. What we didn't learn yet, is WHERE IS IT GOING!!!!!

CL: none
Memory: Psalm 62 for THURSDAY
Math: set 58 skip 2,4,9,10,19
English: none
Geo: Prezis
Science: notes for FRIDAY
Vocab: pages 118-121 for FRIDAY
Music: Bach for FRIDAY
Lit: none
CE: none

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

HI! Elemntastic Science was once again very cool! However, now I am in a rush to get children and what not so I'll keep it brief. We talked about Stalin, Pangea and negative exponents!

CL: none
Memory: Psalm 62 for next THURSDAY
Math: set 57 skip 3,10,12,17,28
English: none
CE: none
Music: Bach for FRIDAY
Vocab: 115-117 for THURSDAY
Geo: none
Lit: page 750 1-10 for THURSDAY
Science: notes for THURSDAY

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Greetings once again. We did some math review and then moved on to set 56. We also are going to be starting our song that we sing next weekend. It is a k-8 pick your service weekend. Just a reminder to let me know ASAP if your child won't be there to sing. Thanks! We also did our handwriting contest entries today.

CL: none
Memory: none
Math: set 56 skip 1,13,17,22,28
English: none
Geo: none
Science: "test" sheet for TOMORROW
CE: none
Lit: Ch 15 for TOMORROW
Vocab: 115-117 for THURSDAY
Music: Bach for FRIDAY

Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Monday! Today we reviewed in math and I assigned corrections on 54, 55 and the test. The tests have all the answers for the questions students got wrong, they need to show the work to get the right answer. We also took a surprise quiz on the literature chapter that was due for today. Out of six questions, any students that got more than three right got extra credit. We watched a video on the Russian revolution today and next time we will see what life was like under the rule of Stalin. No hymn due for this week.

We also discussed an interesting article that I read over the weekend. You can read it here. It talks about research that found that attitude and effort were more important to student success than talent and abilities. Why was interesting.

CL: none
Memory: none
Math: corrections on 54,55, and the test for TUESDAY, set 56 skip 1,13,17,22,28 for WEDNESDAY
Music: Bach for FRIDAY
Vocab: 115-117 for THURSDAY
English: 3 illustrations, full page, colored for TUESDAY
Science: "test" form with a partner for WEDNESDAY
Geo: work on Prezis
other: posters for Solutions Center
Literature: read ch 15 (and possibly 14)
CE: none

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy Friday! Our all school devotion this morning was about being content with what we have. We pray that the Lord helps us all be content with what he has given us! We took a math test today. We also spent a little time looking at water erosion on the shore and a lot of time talking about the history of Russia. That's a lot of history to cram into a small time period. We will do a bit of a review on Monday. We also wrote our hymn. It seemed to go well. I'll find out for sure this weekend!

Memory: none
Music: Bach for FRIDAY
Vocab: 115-117 for THURSDAY
Math: took a test
Geo: none
Science: none
English: illustrations for TUESDAY
Lit: Ch 14 for MONDAY
CL: none

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Happy Snowy cold day! I was checking out the Elemantastic Science presentation last night. It was pretty cool. THe participants had fun learning to make SLIME! The bad part was I forgot all about blogging! Sorry about that!  We were busy today. We worked with ratios, ground water, Russia and tall tales among other things.

Memory: 469 1-3,6
CL: none
Math: set 55 skip 7,14,19,25,29
English: final copy tomorrow, illustrations Tuesday
Vocab: 110- 114 for Friday
Science: Section 2 worksheet for tomorrow
Geo: p. 382 3 and 4 (Make sure you describe the problem and the solution)
Music: none
Literature: finish chapter 13
CE: none

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Welcome to another edition of boy it's cold outside. Yesterday we were talking about Siberia in geography class and I like to pick a city or two and compare their temps to ours. Usually I get to show how cold they are. The ones I tried were all warmer than Fond du Lac!

Report cards go out today. Please sign the envelope and get the envelope back right away please. Thanks!

Many students are in need of lunch and milk tickets. I'll try to send out an update on that tomorrow so you can get some on Thursday.

CL: none
Math: set 53 skip 9,16,18,25,29 for TOMORROW
Memory: Hymn 469 1-3, 6 for FRIDAY
English: Tall Tale, rough draft for THURSDAY, final copy for FRIDAY, 3 full page, color illustrations for TUESDAY
CE: none
GEO: number 2 and 5 for TOMORROW
Lit: none
Vocab: none
Music: none
Science: none

Monday, January 5, 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks again for all the awesome gifts! I spent the gift card on gas and groceries. However, since I didn't have to pay to fill the van with gas I did splurge and get my wife some jewelry. So, you made me happy because I could get around for another week, you made the kids happy because there was more food in the house and you made my wife happy because she will get some new jewelry! I am also enjoying the different cheeses. So far they have all been delicious! (Even the one that wasn't from Wisconsin. Odd, but true.) I still have some chocolate and some other gift cards and items in reserve. Thanks to everyone!

Today I gave the students their second semester country to do a prezi on. Those at the start of the list should be ready to go by the 19th of January. The rest will be in the following weeks and months.

We also are starting our drive to collect money and items for the Solutions Center of Fond du Lac. The students are helping me organize and publicize our drive. We want to collect household items like paper plates and toilet and facial tissue and also personal hygiene products. They are also looking for breakfast type items like pancake mix and peanut butter and so on. More details will follow, but I wanted to give you a heads up as 7th grade is spearheading the endeavor.

CL: none
Memory: 469 vs 1-3, 6 for FRIDAY
Math: set 52 skip 5,6,15,16,19
Science: none
Music: none
CE: none
Geography: page 375 2, 5 for Wednesday
Vocab: none
Lit: none
English: none