Monday, January 5, 2015

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Thanks again for all the awesome gifts! I spent the gift card on gas and groceries. However, since I didn't have to pay to fill the van with gas I did splurge and get my wife some jewelry. So, you made me happy because I could get around for another week, you made the kids happy because there was more food in the house and you made my wife happy because she will get some new jewelry! I am also enjoying the different cheeses. So far they have all been delicious! (Even the one that wasn't from Wisconsin. Odd, but true.) I still have some chocolate and some other gift cards and items in reserve. Thanks to everyone!

Today I gave the students their second semester country to do a prezi on. Those at the start of the list should be ready to go by the 19th of January. The rest will be in the following weeks and months.

We also are starting our drive to collect money and items for the Solutions Center of Fond du Lac. The students are helping me organize and publicize our drive. We want to collect household items like paper plates and toilet and facial tissue and also personal hygiene products. They are also looking for breakfast type items like pancake mix and peanut butter and so on. More details will follow, but I wanted to give you a heads up as 7th grade is spearheading the endeavor.

CL: none
Memory: 469 vs 1-3, 6 for FRIDAY
Math: set 52 skip 5,6,15,16,19
Science: none
Music: none
CE: none
Geography: page 375 2, 5 for Wednesday
Vocab: none
Lit: none
English: none

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