Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Today we went through our math pretest and the students corrected their own as we went through how to do each problem on the board. The test will be tomorrow and will consist of the same kind of problems with the numbers changed. I got the grades entered right away and made the sheets available so that if any student got some wrong, they are able to look at them tonight and make sure they know how to do them for tomorrow. We spent some time talking about Russia and some of the changes that have happened politically and economically since the fall of the USSR. IN science we started talking about earthquakes. We used the USGS web site to track earthquakes that were happening around the world. In the last 24 hours there have been almost 240 earthquakes. Around 2:00 Papa New Guinea suffered a 5.1 and a 5.7. California is working on 90 in the last 24 hours! The novel I am reading to the students mentioned the classic Abbot and Costello "Who's on First" routine. So we ended the day watching that. They enjoyed it!

CL: none
Memory:Psalm 62 for TOMORROW
English: Paragraphs on Christian Education rough draft for TOMORROW
Geo: none
Science: ws for TOMORROW
Vocab: 123-125 for TOMORROW
Lit: finish ch 18 for TOMORROW
Music: Theory sheets for FRIDAY
Memory:  Psalm 62 for TOMORROW
Art: Sketch book for TUESDAY

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