Monday, January 17, 2011

I apologize! I forgot to send home the report cards today. I have emailed them and plan to hand out the paper copies tomorrow. Sorry about that. We did manage to remember to review for our test on the Middle East, talk about algebraic addition 3 - (-3) is the same as 3 + [- (-3)] which of course is really just 3 +3, and review how to do an outline. We also learned some more vocab for science. To end it off we discussed how a different actor doing the same lines of a play change the meaning. (Do you have any idea how many different versions of Hamlet there are?)

Science: Unit 22
Memory: passages and hymn from lesson 5
Mathe: set 68 skip 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,11
English: outline for the fair
Geo: test tomorrow
Sc: quiz and study guide
Lit: nothing
Art: oil pastel pic
Music: nothing
Health: review on 190-191
CE: ws

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