Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today most of us finished recording our narratives. I look forwards to hearing them. We went through our pun worksheets for literature. Did you know there are an estimated 114 puns in Macbeth alone? Yikes!

For Geography, I have given the students two maps. There was some confusion about this. The landforms map is due tomorrow. The countries of the central region will be due next week. Only the land form maps is due for tomorrow.

We also have 3 passages and 2 hymn verses due for memory work tomorrow, along with a spelling test and the academic fair outline.

Spelling: test
Math: we took a pretest in groups
Algebra: set 75
English: outline for af is due tomorrow
Geo: quiz and physical map
Science: notes for quiz tomorrow
Lit: listen for spoonerisms and malapropisms
Art: should have pastel pick done by now
CE: ws
Health: nothing

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