Friday, December 20, 2013

Merry Christmas! Thanks everyone for the awesome presents! See you tomorrow for our 9 am practice at WLA!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Welcome once again! Please remember to have your student dress up for our service tomorrow in their Sunday best! It would be great to not see any jeans or sweatshirts. As we honor God with our voices, we can also honor him with our clothing.

We had a great practice today and are looking forward to the service tomorrow. Don't forget we practice on Saturday at WLA.

We had some geography work today but most of the students should have finished it in class with their group. If not, please have that handed in tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Please remember that math is due tomorrow even though we won't have time for a math class. Thanks!
Please remember to dress up on Friday, bring your gifts and snacks by Friday as well. Thanks!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

We had a hurricane in the classroom today! Good thing it was on the screen and not for real! We also talked about some of the issues around the debate about if the Rosetta Stone should be kept in England or sent to Egypt. We also figured out how to make ratio boxes to help us set up our math problems.

Math: set 53 skip 9, 16, 18, 25, 29

Monday, December 16, 2013

Happy Monday! We had a extra long geography lesson today and it was STILL too short. One class period is not enough to cover the history of the middle east and Egypt. We gave it a shot though. We did some videos and some reading and covered what we could. We also learned to Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally as she practices her order of operations. We also heard a few more myths. One even had a flood that destroyed an entire area for its wickedness and only a couple of people survived because of their piety. Mmmm. Sounds familiar. We ended that day with a great practice for our Christmas service. Almost time!

Math: set 52, skip 5,6,15,16,19

Friday, December 13, 2013

Happy Friday! My apologies for no blog the past two days! Yesterday was rough because of being gone all day and Wednesday, I wrote one but it didn't publish! (Probably user error.)

Today we had a good practice, looked over our science sheets, touched up our goe section and watched some Greek myths. We also used some scientific notation to work with large numbers, and started a new Vocabulary Workshop unit.

Have a great weekend!

English: rough draft and final are due on Monday
Math: set 51 skip 8, 15, 16, 25, 27
CE: News Quiz for Monday

Monday, December 9, 2013

So they tell me it's Monday. We are working hard on the Christmas service. It would be a help if students would look over the words on their own as well. We studied how to use unit multipliers in math today. We also started our weather chapter. A ton of info here! We started talking about myths, fables and legends as well.

Science: notes on section 1
Geo: work on Prezis
Lit: nothing
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
English: ws for Wednesday
Math: set 50 skip 1,4,15,16,22
Vocab: nothing

Friday, December 6, 2013

Happy Friday!

Math 49: skip 1,6,11,16,22

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Happy Advent! Today we looked at air movement around the globe and the impact it has on us. After that we worked on our songs for the Christmas Eve service. We also reviewed changing fractions to decimals to percents and the other way around. We also learned more about the recent train crash in New York and hot to combine short choppy sentences in a variety of ways.

Remember that we need everyone here by no later than 7:15 tomorrow and bring a cold lunch. We will eat on the bus on the way back home.

Science: worksheet due Friday
Geo: ws packet due Friday
Music: none
Literature: none
Math: set 48 skip 7, 12, 16, 22, 27
CE: none
English: 2 ws for Monday
Vocab ws: none

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tuesday dun dun daahhh!

Field trip on Thursday! Students need to be here by 7:15 and bring a cold lunch. We should be back before school is over so no conflicts there.

Today we used powers of 10, studied energy transfer in the atmosphere and took our classroom spelling be test.

Science: ws for tomorrow
Geo: wsh packet for Friday
Literature: none
Math: set 47 skip 6,9,16,18,24
English: none
Music: none
Vocab ws: none
CE: none

Monday, December 2, 2013

Happy Monday! Long time no type. Today we started looking at parts of Asia and Africa and the atmosphere as well. We also learned how to work with rates and recorded a song for Christmas Idol.

Math: set 46 skip 8,9,25,26

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. There are no assignments for Monday, but I did hand out some extra credit for math that is due on Monday. It is optional, but since we averaged a C on the last test and our class average isn't much better, it is available for anyone with the initiative to give it a go.

Monday, November 25, 2013

We saw some awesome footage of volcanoes today. We also took a math test and learned about personification as well.

No assignments today!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Friday once again. Today we tried to figure out how to make earthquake resistant buildings. We had a little too much fun with the blocks and used a few too many rubber bands, but I think we got some good ideas. We also got a chance to go through our Christmas service for the first time. Our math lesson was a nice short one so we had more study time today, Yea!

CE: News quiz for Monday
Math: set 45 skip 1,7,14,15,16,19 and 30 for Monday

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thursday has come again! It may be hard to believe but it is true. What also is true is that we had some fun today but had a hard time turning it off again so we could get back to work. We did decide to leave all of our imaginary students in math class in one piece so that was a good thing. We also looked at some features that can be left behind by magma. Not so much fun as volcanoes, though. We reiterated that Russia is ginormous and COLD!

Again, my apologies but I had a mistake on the field trip form. On the top I said $16 and on the bottom it says $20. It should be only $16. Those of you who have already paid $20. I will get you change when possible. Thanks! As I said the other day, good example of why prefrading es so vury importanient.

Science: Notes and section 3 ws for tomorrow
Geography: foldable due
Vocab: ws for tomorrow
Literature: nothing
Math: set 44 4,5,6,23,24
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Music: nothing

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wednesday has come to an end, for school that is. We reviewed changing from decimals to fractions and vice versa, listened to some Chopin, and learned that there are different types of lava that make different types of volcanoes!

Science: ws for tomorrow
Geo: nothing new
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
music: nothing
Vocab pages are due tomorrow
CE: nothing
Math: set 43 2,4,9,19,27

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Happy Tuesday to you, Happy Tuesday to you, Happy Tuesday dear parents and students, Happy Tuesday to you. (It's my sister's birthday so I have that tune in my head.) Today we looked at box and whisker graphs. The students emerge unscathed, but the graphs will come back to haunt them! We also looked at the USSR. We got it started and collapsed it all in one class period. We also started volcanoes erupting. No one was burned or melted.

Science: reinforcement ws is due tomorrow, Notes ws will be due on Friday.
Geo: keep working on the foldable
English: 2 ws from Monday are due tomorrow
Music: composer sheet from last week is due tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Math: nothing
CE: nothing
Vocab: pages from last week are due for Thursday

Monday, November 18, 2013

Welcome to another week! Today we watched a very comprehensive video about earthquakes. It talked about how earthquakes form, showed some of the devastation they create, and showed some of the technology used to try and prevent earthquake damage. We also started a discussion of the history of Russia, starting with Kievan Rus, moving to Muscovy and going through the czars and then halting before we try and tackle Lenin and Stalin. We began reading an adaptation of A Christmas Carol in play form. Then we tackled repeating decimals repeating decimals repeating decimals.

Science: nothing
Geo: work on foldable
Literature: nothing
English: 2 ws for Wednesday
CE: nothing
Vocab: due Thursday
Music: composer ws due on Wednesday
Math: set 42 skip 11,13,14,17,25

Friday, November 15, 2013


We took an open book test in science today. It took a while, but we did have some study time after to work on learning more about Russia. (It feels like -45 in our Siberian city right now.) We worked on the distributive property in math. It lets us add then multiply or multiply and then add with certain types of problems. We finished up Where the Red Fern Grows and will start reading an adaptation of A Christmas Carol on Monday.

Science: took a test
Geo: p 382 numbers 1-4
Literature: none
English: ws from yesterday (8-2b) due for Monday
Math: set 41 skip 4, 7,8,9, 21
CE: News quiz for Monday
Vocab ws 85-87 for Thursday (We did 84 as a class discussion.)
Music: ws for Wednesday

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Got to run today!!!!!

Geo: questions 2 and 4 on page 375 for Tomorrow
Science: none
Math: took a test
English: ws for MONDAY
CE: none
Vocab: 80-83 for TOMORROW
Literature: none
Music: ws for Wednesday

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Happy Wednesday!

CL: none
Science: sheet due for tomorrow
Geo: none
English: sheet for tomorrow
Lit: none
CE: news quiz for tomorrow
Music: ws for Wednesday
Vocab Due tomorrow
Math: set 40 skip 4,5,6,7,9

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday has come and gone, well some of it anyway. Did you notice it is cold out there? Well it got hot in here as we went to the center of the earth following earthquake waves. Ask your student what the difference between the epicenter and the focus is. We also got colder as we started to look at Russia. The high today for Verkhoyansk in Russia is -18 degrees! We reviewed for our math test that we will take on Thursday. We will do lesson 40 tomorrow.

Science: ws for tomorrow
Geo: nothing
English: final copy for tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Math: test Thursday
Music: Theory ws for tomorrow
Current Events: news quiz for Thursday
Vocab WS is due Thursday

Monday, November 11, 2013

Happy Snow day! Today we talked about getting along with people who have different gifts than we do. We also looked at faults in the ground so we can see how earthquakes get going. We also got to work with ratios and look over each others stories.

Science: section 1 ws for Tuesday
Geo: take home test for Tuesday
English: final copy for Wednesday
Lit: nothing
Vocab ws 77-79 for Thursday
Music: Theory sheets for Wednesday
Math: set 39 skip 6, 14, 18, 24, 26

Friday, November 8, 2013

Not too much happened today. We spent a lot of time working. We also watched the movie version of one of our novels. We also worked on graphs and how to use them correctly and how they are used incorrectly.

Science; nothing
Geo: Take home test Tuesday
English: rough draft Monday
Lit: 767 1-9 for Monday
Vocab ws: 77-79 for Thursday
Music: Theory sheets for Wednesday
Math: set 38 skip 2,5,9,10,17

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Happy Thursday. Sorry I forgot to push publish again yesterday. After school just seems to get so hectic!

Today we finished our Europe prezis. We learned a lot about these countries. We will do this again in the new year with some countries in other parts of the world. We also worked on areas of triangles and some funky shaped figures. Then we started working on writing our own narratives. I look forward to reading what the students come up with.

Science: take home test for TOMORROW
Geo: none
English: Story Elements outline and rough draft for MONDAY
Literature: Finish the story for TOMORROW
Math: set 37 skip 9, 12, 17, 20, 29
CE: none
Music: theory ws for next WEDNESDAY
Vocab ws: choose the right word and synonyms for TOMORROW
Greetings on this blustery Wednesday afternoon. Today we had vision screening. It took a while to get through everyone but we did. We managed to get a few more prezis in and look to finish tomorrow. We also talked about narrative writing and will get a chance to try our hand at it next time. We also looked at ratios and how to express them correctly. I got some blocks today! Thanks! I still need more if anyone has any they are willing to loan us. Thanks!

Science: open book test for Friday
Geo: Prezis tomorrow
Music: theory sheets for next Wednesday
Literature: none (got through the entire chapter in class)
CE: none
English: none
Math: set 36 skip 3,13,14,23,25
Vocab: none

AAHH! I did it again! (Sorry!)

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

We got through some more prezi's today, took a math test, and learned about plate techtonics inclduing subduction zones. Wow!

Geo: prezis
Science: notes ws for Tomorrow
Vocab: nothing
Literature: read the chapter for Tomorrow (same one as yesterday)
Math: took a test
CE: none
English: ws for tomorrow (same one as yesterday)

Monday, November 4, 2013

Hey there ho there! Happy Monday to ya. We started our Europe prezis today and did well. We also got the seafloor to spread which involved bashing some desks around.

We have an upcoming project that involves wooden building blocks. If you have any we could use, please send them to school by Friday, thanks.

Science: notes ws for TOMORROW
Geo: prezis
Literature: read chapter 17 (we did 16 in class) for WEDNESDAY
English: 7-3 ws for WEDNESDAY
Math: set 35 skip 15, 21, 27, 28, 30 Test Tuesday
Music: sheets are due on Wednesday
Vocab: none
CL: none
CE: none

Friday, November 1, 2013

Today we spent more time working on our project. Most all of the class got it done in school. A few students needed to take it home to finish it up. We went to see the play at WLA! The play was well done. Great to see so many former Faith students in it.

Lit: page 7:30 1-10 for MONDAY
CE: Worksheet/quiz sheet for MONDAY
English Worksheet for MONDAY
Geo and Science: finish project if not already done.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Today I am going to push publish, really I am!

Today we started a big project (don't worry, in class) for geography. We are reviewing the economies of Europe. Although, as we talk about economies, it ties in well with science, too. We are making large displays to show off important things about the economies of the four regions of Europe. We also are moving along in Vocabulary Workshop. In math we reviewed why 4/3 +3/4 does NOT equal 1. Speaking of NOT we also discussed not never using double negatives. I mean not ever using double negatives, or never using double negatives.  We also worked on decimal num.bers some more.

Tomorrow we walk to WLA for the play. Please make sure your student is appropriately attired including footwear. Faith apparel would be great but not required.

Science and geography: we will keep working on our project
English: ws for Monday
Vocab Ws. 67-69 for Friday
Math: set 34 skip 3, 8, 14, 17, 19
CE: nothing
Music: theory ws for next Wednesday

I had this written nice and early yesterday, but if you don't push the publish button, it doesn't publish apparently ;-)

Hi there once again. It has been great to see all of you over these three days. I really do see this as us working together for our children. Today we worked on decimal numbers. We also finished our copyright discussion. We took our quiz again and we did better this time, no surprise. We also made the continents move. Remember that on Friday we are walking to WLA after lunch to see the play. Have your student dress accordingly.

Science: notes ws
Geo: none
Music: theory ws for next WEDNESDAY
Lit: read the rest of chapter 14.
Math: set 33 skip 16, 18, 22, 24, 27
English: none

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

I had a bunch of great conferences last night. I look forward to some more tonight. I had some productive hours fixing technology issues last night and I look forward to a productive IT committee meeting tonight!

SPeaking of productive, we had a productive morning today. We plotted where the most recent earthquakes and volcanoes have taken place. It turns out we found a bit of a pattern. These things tend to happen in the same places. We then looked at where the plate boundaries of the earth's crust are and guess what we found? No, really, guess. I'll wait. Ask your student if you guessed right! We also took a look at the metric system. It really does make sense, but I don't see us changing any time soon, do you? We also started learning more about Martin Luther. Happy Reformation!

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: none
Literature: read chapter 13 for WEDNESDAY
Math: set 32 skip 5,7,12,14,18
English: final copy for WEDNESDAY
Music: worksheet for WEDNESDAY
Vocab: pages are due for THURSDAY (from 2 weeks ago)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Happy Wednesday! We did some erosion work today. We also started learning about Schubert and coordinate planes. Little Ann almost died, but Billy saved her. We topped that off with a five paragraph essay.

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: Read copyright essay
Literature: p 697 1-9, 1-3 for MONDAY
English: Rough draft for MONDAY
CE: none
Music: Schubert for WEDNESDAY
Math: Investigation 1-9

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Today we started learning about copyright. We have a long way to go, ask your student about Thomas Jefferson and copyright. They have a short essay to read. It would be good if they can discuss it with you. We also talked about ground water erosion and even took a math test.

CL: none
Science: did the worksheet in class
Geo: read the article
Lit: nothing
English: nothing
Math: nothing
CE: nothing
Vocab: 2 pages for next week

Monday, October 21, 2013

Happy Monday! Voters' Meeting tonight! The big excitement today was no math! Oh yea, we saw a fun play also. We did get some water to erode things and visited Eastern Europe as well. We also took our first Meet Math test (from MLC) of the year.

CL: none
Science: ws for tomorrow
Geo: none
Lit: none
Math: none
CE: none
Music: none
Vocab ws: 2 pages for next week

Friday, October 18, 2013

CL: none
Science: test due on  Monday
Geo: none
Literature: chapter 10
Vocab WS; pages Thursday
Math: test Tuesday
CE: None
English: None

Thursday, October 17, 2013

BRING A COLD LUNCH TOMORROW! It would be awesome if the kids would wear their Faith apparel tomorrow. Thanks!

Parent teacher slips went home today. I was able to get everyone who turned in a sheet right about when you asked for. Let me know if something doesn't work anymore.

CL: none
Science: take home test for Monday
Lit: Read chapter 10 for Monday
Vocab Workshop: 2 pages due in two weeks
Math: Test Tuesday
Geo: Finish up Prezis if you aren't already done

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Greetings one and all! Remember, rain is good, it makes things grow, eventually anyway. Today we had some wind erosion. We sang and some of us danced. We added and subtracted and compared fractions with different denominators. We even worked on some possessives.

CL: none
Science: ws for tomorrow
Geo: none
Literature: finish ch 8 and read ch 9 for tomorrow
English: ws for Tomorrow
Math: set 30: skip 7, 21, 24, 29, 30
CE: none
Vocab: none

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday has arrived and brought some rain with it. Mrs. Kemnitz is letting students retake their art quiz tomorrow if they would like. We talked about glaciers today and how they erode. We also talked about moraines, as in Kettle Moraine State Forest. We also got to go to the heartland of Europe. Then we rounded out our day by estimating and rounding in math.

CL: none
Geo: question 4 Wednesday
Science: section 1 and 2 worksheet Wednesday
Literature: 1-10, 1-3 for Wednesday
Math: set 29: skip 5,16,18,19,22
CE: None
English: final copy for tomorrow
Vocab: nothing
Music: nothing

Monday, October 14, 2013

Welcome to another week! Today we played with dirt. Yes, literally. We looked at how plants hold onto soil to help stop erosion. Then we checked out the composition of soil. There is a lot going on in there! We also looked at how erosion due to gravity takes place. We also started to look at Northern Europe including UK and Ireland. We will finish that up tomorrow. We also reviewed our rough drafts, two step problems and found out what is going on in the world. Turns out IN DC, not much!

CL: Hand in your book
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing (Prezi's will be due by the end of this week.)
Literature: page 663 1-10, 1-3 for Wednesday
English: final copy for Wednesday
Math: set 28 skip 16,18,20,24,27 for Tuesday
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Vocab ws Nothing

Friday, October 11, 2013

Congrats on making it to Friday! We all survived as well. Not everyone was sure they were going to after we got done talking about Least Common Multiples in math. We also saw a very interesting video on the disaster in Chernobyl. We then tried to cover all of Europe's culture in one lesson.

CL: none
Science: none
Geo: page 321 #4
Vocab Worksheet: none
CE: news quiz for Monday
Math: set 27 skip 6,7,11,13,27 for Monday
Music: none
English: rough draft for Monday

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Today actually is Thursday! Today we worked on helping verbs, multiplying mixed numerals, and the history of Europe. We also had a chat about how to act during class. Quite a few things are due tomorrow.

CL: nothing
Science: we took a test
Geo: page 303 #'s 3,4,5 for FRIDAY
English: rough draft for MONDAY
Literature: read ch 5 for FRIDAY
Vocabulary Workshop: Pages 57,58 for FRIDAY
CE: nothing
Math: set 26 skip 4,13,16,21,27

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Hello friends. Happy Wednesday to you. I don't know about you , but my brain wants to keep telling me it is Thursday!

Today we Reviewed for our science test that we will take tomorrow. We also divided fractions, looked at 3 paragraph essays, caught up on new from Monday and Tuesday, and got a few more chapters in our novel.

CL: none
Science: test THURSDAY
Geo: none
Literature: read chapter 3 THURSDAY
Math: set 25 skip 8,15,20,23,30 THURSDAY
English: WA #5 rough draft for MONDAY
CE: none
Vocab ws: 2 pages for THURSDAY

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Happy happy happy Tuesday! We talked about climate in Europe and how much warmer it is there even though they are farther north than we ware. Why? Ask your student! We also talked about soil erosion and how to prevent it. We also took a math test, hopefully we did well!

CL: none
Science: study guide for TOMORROW
Geo: Foldable notes for TOMORROW
Literature: read chapter one for TOMORROW
English: none
Math: 24: 2,7,23,26,30
CE: none
Vocab ws. 55 + 56

Monday, October 7, 2013

Happy Monday! The highlight of today was a our trip over to St. Peter's to see a blacksmith reenactment. They also showed us some other period items. As an interesting side note, they mentioned the coal they use is a soft coal and contains sulfur which is why there was so much smoke and smell. This is what we talked about in science when we mentioned pollution from the various kinds of coal. SCIENCE IS EVERYWHERE! I then ruined everything by making us come back and have math where we learned some different ways to reduce fractions.

We also finished our projects for geography. Check out Faith's Facebook page for pictures.

Speaking of pictures, I did take a bunch of our soccer tournament the other weekend of both A team and B team . I did manage to take pictures of more than just my kids. If you are interested in seeing if I got any of your child let me know.

CL: Nothing
Science: review due for WEDNESDAY
Geo: nothing
Literature: Chapter 1 for WEDNESDAY
Math: set 24 skip 2,7,23,26,30 for TUESDAY
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Vocab W.S. 55+56 for THURSDAY

Friday, October 4, 2013

Welcome to another Friday. Today we spent some time working on a project learning about some nuclear accidents that have happened around the world. We also reviewed how to borrow when subtracting fractions. We also had a presentation from our Agricultural Ambassador about dairy farms.

Geo: project
Math: set 23 skip 9,10,15,20,23
CE: news quiz

Thursday, October 3, 2013

No tests today! Instead we talked about weathering, Europe, collective nouns, and even some fractions.

CL: nothing
Science: study guide due for Wednesday
Geo: notes foldable should be started
Vocab wsh: 55-56 Due Tomorrow
English: ws due Tomorrow
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Literature: nothing

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

We finished up our standardized testing today. Many of the students are making good progress on their AR points as well. We started watching the movie based on Hatchet and learned about prime factorization and GCF today.

Math: set 21 skip 1,4,13,15,20
Vocabulary WOrkshop: definition pages due tomorrow

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The children were tested today. We got through quite a few tests. We also corrected the math test. We averaged a B+ with six students getting in the A category.

Music: packet of terms due tomorrow
Vocabulary Workshop: definition pages for Thursday

Monday, September 30, 2013

Monday has arrived and with it Terra Nova testing! We got some other things in as well like special rules for subject and verb agreement. We also discussed sedimentary rocks. Lots of terms there.

CL: none
Science: 4-4 ws
English 5-2 ws
Geo: nothing
Math: took a test
Lit: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: definition ws for Wednesday
Vocab WS: Due Thursday

Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday has arrived. We spent some time looking at various aspects of Latin America through some videos. We also did our last two Latin America prezis. We will start Europe next. Those prezis will be in a couple of weeks. In science we talked about metamorphic rocks. In math we had a hands on investigation working with compasses. One thing we learned was how much the quality of a compass can vary. Some students had better success than others.

CE: Nothing
Science: section 3 ws for MONDAY
Geo: Nothing
Literature: nothing
Math: Investigation 2 for MONDAY, test on Monday
CE: Newsquiz for MOnday
English: nothing
Vocab ws: pp 52-54 and word search for Thursday
Music: terms worksheets for Wednesday

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Thursday all! We started presenting our prezis today. We learned some interesting things. Some students learned that they need to go back and add some more things before it is their turn to present! We did a pretest in groups for math today. Hopefully this helps us be ready for the real test on Monday. Tomorrow we will work with a compass so please make sure your student has one. We also delved into collective nouns today. Is crowd singular or plural? It depends on how it is used.

CL: nothing
Science: worksheet for TOMORROW
Geo: Prezis
Vocab W.S.: page 48 TOMORROW
Literature: projects are due TOMORROW
Math: pretest (we did it in groups in class so it should be done)
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Music: vocabulary sheets for Wednesday

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Happy Wednesday. We had great weather for our fire drill today, but it did really crunch math. We spent some time on the rock cycle today, including sound effects.

CL: none
Science: 4 question worksheet
Geo: prezis tomorrow
Lit: projects for Friday
Math: set 20 skip 6,15,19,26,28 CE: nothing
English: nothing
Vocab ws: idioms TOMORROW
Music: definition ws for Wednesday
CE: nothing

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday has come and somewhat gone already. Mr. Zunker sent home some info for the soccer tournament this Sat. If you have a soccer player or two, look for that. We zipped through uses for minerals today and spent some time on Latin America this morning. We also discussed perimeter in math. Keep working on the lit projects for Friday.

CL: Nothing
Science: review ws for TOMORROW
Geo: two worksheets for Thursday
Literature: project for Friday
English: ws for TOMORROW
CE: nothing
Math: Set 19: 5,10,16,18,23
Music: Beethoven for TOMORROW
Vocab Ws: idiom pages are due Thursday

Monday, September 23, 2013

Another Monday under our belts! I was going to say how many Monday's we have left but then I realized I have no idea and don't want to take the time to figure it out. THIS particular Monday, we talked about the Science Fair a bit, then reviewed how to test what kind of mineral a given sample is. We also spent time discussing ways to check the reliability of a web site. We will visit that again. We also reviewed subject verb agreement. (He eats the food, and they eat the food. Rather than, he eat the food, and they eats the food.) We discussed polygons but I forgot to play the nonagon song for the class. We will have to get to that tomorrow or Wednesday. We also checked out a neat lego video based on Hatchet that someone did. 

CL: Nothing
Science: work on the science fair project
Geography: Finish LA prezis. 
Music: Beethoven for Wednesday
Literature: Final project is due on Friday
Math: set 18 skip 8,13,20,24,29
CE: nothing
English: 4-3 ws

Friday, September 20, 2013

We had a good presentation about our mission in Haiti this morning. As it turned out, our geography lesson today was supposed to be on Central America and the Caribbean, so we had our guest speaker come back to our room after her presentation for a lengthy Q + A session. It was a great look into the culture and life on the island. The students asked some great questions. We also used protractors and learned about idioms.

CL: nothing
Science: nothing
Vocab WS: Idiom pages due for next Thursday
Literature: I handed out the sheet of assignment choices. Each student will pick one of the twelve assignments and complete it by next Friday.
CE: News Quiz for Monday
English: nothing
Math: set 17 skip 11,16,18,25,28
Music: Beethoven for next Wednesday

Thursday, September 19, 2013

So Thursday has come, with quite the wild weather at that. Seems like it will avoid our soccer game though.
We has some productive study time today to work on our science test and literature packet. Looks like many students have those done already. We even got a little extra time to work on math.

Your student got a field trip notice today. This one is a surprise and came about on short notice. On the plus side, it is close and it is free. IF we can get enough drivers, we want to head over to St. Peter's for a special presentation on the afternoon of Monday, October 7th. There will also be a slip coming home soon for the October field trip you did know about to the Milwaukee County Museum on the 18th of October.

CL: Nothing
Science: test TOMORROW
Geo: Section 1 ws TOMORROW
Music: Beethoven sheets for Wednesday
Literature: Packet is due TOMORROW
Vocabulary WS: 42-44 TOMORROW
Math: set 16: 11,12,19,20,22
English: Final copy tomorrow.  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back for more are ya? Well, we've got more. We finished reading Hatchet today so the sheets will be due on Friday. Then we will talk about our culminating project, dun dun da! We also started learning more about Beethoven. We even jammed to a piano concerto. (I am listening to a piano sonata at the moment.) We also started working on our open book test for Friday. The chart at the end looks like the one we did on the worksheet, but it has a few wrinkles in it. Fortunately, I warned the students all about them when we went though the worksheet. We also are doing a paragraph on things we like to do on the weekend. It shouldn't take them long at all since they have done these kind before. Don't worry, we'll make it more challenging for them soon.

CL: nothing
Science: take home test for Friday
Geography: section 2 ws for TOMORROW
Music: Beethoven for next Wednesday
Vocabulary Workshop: 39-41 for TOMORROW
Math: we took a test
CE: nothing
English: writing assignment number 1. Rough draft for tomorrow. Make sure you are using the right topic.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Happy Tuesday to you. We had the Madison Brass present to us today and it was pretty spectacular. We also worked on reducing fractions, saving the rainforest and skimming over the culture of Latin America.

CL: nothing
Science: nothing
Geo: section 2 ws
Lit: Packet of papers will be due on Friday
Math: set 15: skip 14, 19, 21,23, 26
Vocabulary WS pages 39-41 for Thursday
Music: theory ws for tomorrow
CE: nothing

Monday, September 16, 2013

Well it is Monday. There was no doubt about that today. However, we did manage to get some things done. We started the day talking about how to safeguard our minds when we deal with tv and movies. We then moved into the lab to research the Amazon Rain Forest and the problem of deforestation. We found a plethora of information at The hard part was sifting through everything to find information that we could use. We also had English class time to work on it, but most students took the time to finish math instead, so many will need to do some research at home tonight. In math we looked at simple probability. The probability is 1 that it will get more challenging as the year goes on. Don't forget about the music sheets that are due Wednesday. They are easy but easy to forget as well!

CL: none
Science and Geography: use to research deforestation in the Amazon. We are looking for information about why it is happening, how we monitor it, why is it a problem, and what can we do to stop it and yet help the people that live there for TOMORROW
English: none
Math: set 14 skip 7,10,12,14,15
Lit: start working the rest of the packet of worksheets for FRIDAY
CE: nothing
Music: ws due for WEDNESDAY
Vocabulary ws pages due for Thursday  

Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Grand Day! It was pretty grand indeed. However, we did find some time to do some work first, sorry! We finished section 1 of our geography chapter. I handed out a worksheet for section 1 that is due on Monday. Section two is on the back side. That is NOT due on Monday, I was just saving paper. We also had some science sheets. We went through them in class so everyone should have a good idea of what to do. We also got some vocabulary workshop and our news quiz. Unfortunately, we did have to skip math. (You would not believe the tears over that one.) Have a grand weekend.

CL: nothing
Science: 3 ws for MONDAY
Geo: 1 ws for MONDAY (Only side 1)
Vocabulary WS: 39-41
Lit: nothing
Math: nothing
CE: Newsquiz for MONDAY
English: nothing

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy Thursday to ya. How are we all doing tonight? The temps are more like normal at least! Today we worked on our project for Grand day. We also talked about the different states of matter. We used a little time for Latin America and a bit more for story problems. We also learned some new vocabulary words as well. None of my students got my reference to "hanking for a hunk of _________." Do you?

CL: nothing
Science: Section 3 notes for TOMORROW
Geo: work on Prezis
Vocabulary Workshop: page 37 and page 38 for TOMORROW
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: theor sheets for Wednesday
English: work on what to say for Grand Day presentation
Math: set 13: skip 11,13,18,24,25

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Today we compounded! Not problems but elements. We learned about hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds and covalent bonds. We also reviewed electrons since that is where the action is in the atomic world. We also started some easy music theory review. We got Brian some meat and then did some more story problems. We then did our English assignment as a class.

CL: nothing
Science: Notes sheets on section 2
Geo: nothing
Vocab Wsh: nothing
Literature: nothing
Math: set 12: skip 13,15,17,20,28
CE: nothing
English: in class

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's a hot Tuesday my friends. We got into atoms today in science. We tried to cram a whole lot of info into one lesson. Don't worry, we'll review. We also got into the history and cultures of Latin America today. We have a ways to go. (Part of that is due to a detour to watch a hydrogen balloon blow up.)  We also worked on story problems today.

CL: nothing
Science: nothing
Geo: nothing
Music: nothing
Math: set 11 skip 7,10,14,19,21
Literature: nothing
CE: nothing
English: nothing

Monday, September 9, 2013

Greetings! Over the weekend a sheet was placed in your church mailbox for your student. It is in regard to our Grand Day activity. We are asking the students to ask their grandparents about what was popular back when they were kids. If you didn't get the sheet this weekend, see below.

CL: worksheet for Thursday
Science: we did an activity today, make sure the questions and results are in by TOMORROW
Geo: nothing
Literature: nothing
Vocab: nothing
Math: we took a test
CE: nothing
English: nothing

Friday, September 6, 2013

We did quite a lot of work today! Mr. Zunker led us in an uplifting devotional this morning about how Jesus is our brother. Then we spent some time in the lab working on our country projects. After that we talked about science and how it fits in with what God. After that came a timeline activity for geography. We took a quick quiz for vocabulary workshop. Then we read about how Brian missed a rescue plane and had some time to work on our sheets that are due for Monday. We spent math time working on using math manipulatives to work with fractions.

CL: nothing
Science: crossword puzzle for Monday
Geography: vocab and timeline sheets for Monday
Vocab W.S.: nothing
Literature: second section of worksheets for Monday
Math: Investigation 1 for Monday, pages 72-74 numbers 1-34
CE: News Quiz for Monday
Music: nothing
English: nothing

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Soccer Game!

Science: nothing
Geography: did it in class
Vocab ws: 29, 30
Lit: next section of the packet for MONDAY
Math: nothing
CE: nothing
Music: nothing
Art: aborigine project

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Welcome back to another day. We had some fun today. We need to work on getting back to work once the fun is over, but we did have some fun. The class researched some vocabulary words for science in preparation for our chapter on the nature of science. We sang some fun songs and even got a little active. English we corrected. Not so fun there. No assignment, though. In math we talked more about fractions, building on yesterday.

CL: nothing
Science: 14 vocabulary words on two foldables
Music: nothing
Geography: 3 questions from yesterday for tomorrow
Vocab Wsh: pp 27 and 28 for tomorrow
Lit: the next section of the packet will be due soon. 
Math: set 10 (test MONDAY) skip 4,10,15,18,23 for tomorrow
CE: nothing
English: nothing 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Tuesday! I pray you had a good weekend. Today we finished up our first section on Latin America and we reviewed renewable energy resources. We also multiplied some fractions!

CL: none
Science: nothing
Geography: 196 2,3,4 for Thursday
Math: set 9 skip 1,2,12,14,24 Wednesday
Literature: work on the next section in the packet
Music: Mozart ws for Wednesday
Vocab WS: 27 + 28 for Thursday

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

WEDNESDAY! I pray that you had a good Wednesday. The big event of our Wednesday was pictures! The class sure looked nice today. We talked about mineral resources today and we also discussed recycling and why that works well in some cases. We worked a bit on learning the words for our Reformation song and discussed our answers for literature. Let's work on detailed and complete answers on the next section! We also talked about lines, rays, angles and all things related. We also talked about punctuation rules. There sure are a plethora of them!

CL: ws for tomorrow
Science: notes for tomorrow
Geo: nothing
Music: Mozart for next week Wednesday
Lit: nothing
Math: set 6 skip 14,15,19,20,21,22
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Vocab ws: synonyms due tomorrow

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We have completed our first Monday successfully! We finished our Christ Light lesson. It was about dating choices. We also started discussing energy. Tomorrow we will go NUCLEAR!

Wow. I just noticed this is all the farther I got in the hour and a half I was here after school last night. SORRY!

Today, Tuesday, we did in fact go nuclear. We talked about nuclear power plants and then discussed solar power in its many forms including wind and biomass. We looked at pros and cons of all the different forms of energy production. We also started our new unit on Latin America by looking at different maps of the regions to learn more about it. We will get into it in more depth in the future. This also means that it is time to start working on our country prezis. Each student will be asked to present to the class about an assigned country. Look for the country assignments this week. We also had our first art lesson with Mrs. Kemnitz and our first choir with Mrs. Herkstroeter today.

P.S. Pictures are tomorrow! Also please bring back any Scholastic orders ASAP.

CL: ws for Thursday
Science: "foldable" notes for Thursday
Literature: ch 1-5 ws for Wednesday
Math: set 6 skip 17,18,19,26,27,28
CE: nothing
English: nothing
Vocab ws: synonyms for Thursday

Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday! Four days down, 172 to go. We talked about culture today. We also caught up on the news of the week, went negative in math and learned some new words!

CL: nothing
Science: ws for Monday
Geo: nothing
CE: ws for Monday
Math: set 4 skip 19,20,23,26,27,28
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Vocabulary ws: pages 17 and 18 for Thursday

Thursday, August 22, 2013

So we seem to have come to the end of another day. We talked about dating choices in Christ Light today. We had a little fun with maps as well. Additionally, we discussed population distribution and changes. We also got ready to crash a plane, solved problems that were missing parts, figured out there are four kinds of sentences and four kinds of writing, laughed a lot at things that weren't that funny.

CL: none
Science: note taking ws are do tomorrow
Geo: nothing
CE: nothing
Literature: look over the questions for chapters 1-5 and work on any that you can
English: none
Math: set 3 skip 19,20,21,27,28
Music: Haydn sheet due Wednesday
Art: nothing

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Hello! We tried our best to have more of a normal day of school today and we succeeded pretty well in our classroom. We started reading our novel today. We had our first English and music assignments, and kept plugging along in math. We also got nice and warm as soon as we went outside . . . .

Math: set 2 is due tomorrow skip 2,9, 14,18,22
English: worksheet that we started in class is due tomorrow
Lit: nothing
Science: finish up the notes sheet from section 2 for Friday
Music: Haydn worksheet for next Wednesday
Geo: nothing
CE: nothing

Monday, August 19, 2013

Our singing schedule has been added to the bottom of the blog. Remember, you can sign up to get these posts by email. See you tomorrow!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It’s been a very busy summer! I just completed an accelerated 3 credit class called Teaching the Exceptional Child. It was a lot of work and was a great review of ideas to help include all students in lessons. It was great to read research that backs up what I have been doing, and to get some new things to try.
There has been a lot of technology work happening this summer as well. We have upgraded the speed and power of the wireless in the building, and I am working on upgrading the Internet speed coming into the building. We also set up an off site back up of our server, in addition to our on site back ups, to make sure the teachers won’t lose any assignments. (Sorry kids!) Thanks to Mr. Knuth for all of his help on these projects, all accomplished at no expense to the school. In addition, we have also obtained laptop docks for the classrooms to allow the laptops to be connected to the projectors and Smart Boards quickly and easily.

As part of my summer planning, I have been setting up the field trips for the year. It’s a bit early to have things set in stone, but here is the tentative plan. Hopefully some time in August or September we will be able to walk over to UWFDL and visit with Dr. Mike. He has a lab full of Earth Science equipment he has been gracious enough to let us play with in the past. October 18th I hope to go to the Milwaukee Public Museum to see an exhibit on Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt and to see the 3D movie Wildest Weather in the Solar System. December 5th we will take out biennial trip to the Pabst Theater to see A Christmas Carol. We will also get a behind the scenes tour of the Rep Theater production facility and other stages. February 7th I am very excited to head to Appleton to see Hamlet.  Being able to go to a play, rather than just talk about it, makes a huge difference for our study of Shakespeare. April 17th we are set to head to Menasha to the Barlow Planetarium. We will see a planetarium show about the solar system and also see a hands on science demonstration covering various topics including liquid nitrogen! I am trying to work on something at the end of May, but for now, I’ll let that be a secret. Have a great rest of the summer and remember, stay connected to Jesus!      

Thursday, May 23, 2013

See you tonight before 6:30!

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Happy last full day of school! 89 days and 17 hours till school starts! Thanks for all of your support of the course of the year! Feel free to drop in and say hi next year! Remember to keep you child's brain engaged over summer, it helps keep them stay sharp for next school year.

Today we wrapped our brains around the galaxy. Amazing how much God created out in the universe for us. 45 Trillion or so stars just in our neighborhood! We also checked out some of the animals of Australia, there was a lot of "Awwww" heard in the room. We also spent some time hearing about the tornado in the mid west. Then we got to hand in books! The year sure has flown.

Thanks again,

Mr. Rosenthal

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Got what I could with no flash. Enjoy!

We had a good trip today. The students behaved very well today. I was quite proud of them. The parents on the other hand . . . .

Monday, May 20, 2013

The field trip is TOMORROW! Please help your student remember to bring a lunch. There will be no coolers so please pack accordingly. We will leave after devotion and Lord willing be back by 3:00.

Today we had a great time watching the 4th grade do their play. They did a great job and I am not just saying that because there was a Rosenthal in it!

Since we had a longish study period after geo and science, and we took a math test, your student shouldn't have much, if any, homework tonight. Enjoy!

Today we talked about the passive voice of verbs. You use the passive voice to move the emphasis off of who did the action and onto what received the action. Normally, we don't use the passive tense but it can be useful when we don't know who did the action, or it is not important.

For example:

Today the passive voice of verbs was talked about.

Science: ws for TOMORROW
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
Math: took test

Friday, May 17, 2013

Happy rainy Friday! Today we visited the sun, Oceania, built a Frank Lloyd Wright inspired building, took a pretest in math, and saw Hero come back to life! WOW! What a day!

Spelling: NONE! ALL DONE!
CL: None
Science: ws for Monday (did most in class)
Geo: ws for Monday
English: 2 ws for Monday
Lit: nothing
Art: did in class
Music: nothing
CE: News Quiz
Health: nothing
Math: pretest today, test on Monday

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Happy Thursday! This weather sure makes it hard to be inside! Hope you are enjoying it. Remember we want to have AR done by tomorrow if at all possible! Remember to check engrade to see if your student has any late work, time is running out. A reminder that we do have a song for memory work tomorrow. This will be the song that we sing for closing service next Thursday at 6:30. Please make sure your child knows the song and plan to attend the service. See you there!

Spelling: test TOMORROW (LAST ONE!)
CL: none
Science: ws TOMORROW (no quiz)
Geo: ws for TOMORROW
English: 2 ws for Monday
Lit: nothing
Math: set 109 4,5,9,17,23,29 for TOMORROW
CE: none
Health: none
Music: memorize song for TOMORROW
Art: ws for Wright TOMORROW

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Softball today! We saw some Wright architecture today. We also had a nice short math lesson. Yea! We also worked on some verb tenses again today. We also took our science test which seemed to go well. We also got a chance to briefly talk about the cultures of Australia, New Zealand and all the islands around.

Spelling: unit 30 tomorrow, test Friday
CL: nothing
Science: took a test
Geo: ws for tomorrow
 English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 108 skip 1,2,3,13,27
Music: song for Friday
Art: Wright for Friday

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Rumor has it it is Tuesday. Imagine that! We corrected our geo test today and we averaged an A! Yea! We will try to do that well on our science test tomorrow! We learned about slope in math today. Remember rise over run! We also learned about verb tense. We were 'perfect' today.

Spelling: Unit 30 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: none
Science: test
Geo: none
English: none
Lit: none
Math: set 107 skip 4,7,8,10,22,30
CE: none
Health: none
Music: memorize song for Friday
Art: Wright for Friday

Monday, May 13, 2013

Welcome to Monday. We continued our study of Galatians today and heard more about how salvation comes through Jesus and not by following the law. We also looked at comets and learned the difference between a meteoroid, a meteor, and a meteorite. It's all about location, location, location. We are learning a little about Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing, and how to rearrange formulas to solve for a different part of the formula. We had a very long question period for math and several studetns made good use of it.

Spelling: unit 30 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: nothing
Science: quiz and study guide for TOMORROW
Geo: took a test
English: nothing
Lit: AR points due Friday
Math: set 106 skip 6,7,12,13,14,15 TOMORROW
Health: nothing
CE: newsquiz TOMORROW
Music: memorize song for Friday,
Art: Wright sheet for Friday

Friday, May 10, 2013

Happy Friday! Thanks for all the great teacher gifts this week, and the lunch today! A special thanks to Mrs. Bilitz for taking the class while the faculty went to lunch. We had a nice lunch.  Yesterday we worked on Galatians some more. We are not justified by following the law, only by the grace of God. "20 I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." What a great reminder. Today we took our math test. Our grades were all over the board. We even had 2 A+'s Way to go! In science we looked at the outer planets. We also snuck ahead a bit and looked at why Pluto is no longer a planet. If you are interested, check out the video Why Pluto isn't a planet.

Spelling: unit 30 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: none
Science; quiz Monday, study guide Tuesday
Geo: test Monday
English: none
Math: took test
CE: newsquiz for Friday
Music: memorize closing service song by Friday
Art: Wright ws for Friday

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Good evening! Did you know that we got to visit the inner planets today? Guess what we are doing tomorrow. If you said discussing the life cycle of a wombat, you are wrong. We worked through a pretest in math today so hopefully we will be ready to go tomorrow for the real thing!

Spelling: test TOMORROW
CL: nothing
Science: quiz TOMORROW, study guide for Tuesday
Geo: Study Guide TOMORROW
English: ws for tomorrow
Lit: AR points for next week Friday
Math: pretest for TOMORROW
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Art: pug pic
Music: nothing

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

What awesome weather for a track meet. We had a great meet. Well done all.

Spelling: test 29 tomorrow
CL: nothing
Science: quiz, study guide for Tuesday
Geo: ws for tomorrow, study guide for Friday
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: same as yesterday
Art: Pug Pic
Music: nothing
CE: nothing
Health: nothing

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Now, wasn't this weather worth waiting for?

Track meet tomorrow! Wear sunscreen!

Math set 105: skip 1,8,11,16,18,24,25 for Thursday
Geo ws due tomorrow
the rest is the same as yesterday

Monday, May 6, 2013

Another week! Hurray! We started Australia today and visited the moon!

Spelling: unit 29 for Thrusday, test Friday
Science: test tomorrow (no quiz)
Geo: study guide for Friday
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 104: skip 1,3,7,12,14,23,28
CE: news quiz for TOMORROW
Art: pug pic
Music: nothing
Health: nothing

Friday, May 3, 2013

Happy Friday! We had a good time watching the k-3 play this afternoon. Good job guys! We also learned about Shakespeare's Mid Summer Night's Dream. Not every Shakespeare play ends with most of the characters dead!

Extra credit for math was due today.

Spelling: Unit 29 for Thursday
CL: none
Science: study guide for MONDAY
Geo: none
English: none
Math: set 103, same as yesterday
CE: News Quiz for Tuesday
Health: none
Music: none
Art: Pug Pic

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Happy forensics night! God bless. We talked about the moon today and why it has different phases. We also kept plugging away on solving math equations. Choir got nixed so we had an extra 30 min for math questions. It seemed to be very helpful for the class.

We are looking forward to seeing the k-3 musical tomorrow!

Spelling: test 28 TOMORROW
CL: nothing
Science: study guide for Monday
Geo: nothing
English: nothing
Lit: ws for TOMORROW
Art: nothing
Music: Joplin ws TOMORROW
CE: nothing
Health: nothing
Math: set 103 skip 2,5,6,16,19,20

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Great band presentation by WLA today!
Off to a softball game! Go Panthers!

Spelling: unit 28 TOMORROW, test Friday
CL: none
Science: study guide for Monday
Geo: worksheets for TOMORROW
English: none
Lit: module 10 ws for Friday
Music: Joplin for Friday
Art: none
Math: set 102 skip 5,6,10,11,19,21,22,23  for TOMORROW (Extra credit is due Friday)
CE: none

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Ahh what happened to all my nice cool weather? Thankfully it should cool off again by the end of the week. Don't worry, no snow is forecast. Not yet anyway.

We are over halfway done with the quarter. If you haven't checked lately, have a peek at the grades on Engrade. I also added how many AR points your student had as of yesterday. We are shooting to have those all in by May 17th! We have many assignments due tomorrow, but most of them were assigned Monday if not before, so hopefully your student has been working on them already. I saw many students getting various things done during our study period today.

In science we are talking about the Earth and moon system. We talked about how the tilt of the Earth creates seasons, not the distance the Earth is from the sun. (We are actually closest during January!) In geography we talked a bit about life in the Koreas. What a contrast between North and South! We worked at translating English into Mathish in math class. You can't solve the problem if you don't know what the problem is. We also corrected the tests. I noticed many students getting problems wrong because they multiplied incorrectly. If you get the time, review the multiplication tables with your students. (Fun in the car!) There were also many subtracting and adding computation errors.

Spelling: Unit 28 for Thursday, test Friday]
CL: none
Science: quiz tomorrow, study guide Monday,
Geo: ws/test for Thursday
English: 2 ws for TOMORROW
Lit: 3 ws for TOMORROW
CE: none
Health: none
Music: Joplin sheets for Friday
Art: none
Math: set 101 skip 1,2,8,15,16,18,21

Monday, April 29, 2013

Hey, we're back! What wonderful weather for confirmation weekend. Thanks God! It was super busy, but  a great weekend. This week has several unusual things going on, but we tried to get back into the groove of normal business today. The class got to present their information on the space race. It was interesting to hear the different things that some groups thought were important that other groups did not. SO who won the space race? It depends on what rules you use and whom you ask! In took a look at Japan in geo. Turns out they are really crowded over there. The test/worksheet got moved from Wednesday to Thursday. It is pretty long, so hopefully students have been working on it since last week. For literature we started delving into Macbeth. We got the basic plot line and some of the more famous lines. Next time we will take a closer look at the characters. We also got through chapter one of Galatians.

Spelling: unit 28
CL: none
Science: study guide for Monday
Geo: study guide for Thursday
English: two worksheets for Wednesday
Lit: Three worksheets for Wednesday
Math: took a test, extra credit sheets are due on Friday. Students must attempt all the problems not jsut the easy ones :-)
CE: News quiz for TOMORROW
Health: nothing
Music: Joplin sheet for Friday
Art: nothing

Friday, April 26, 2013

We had a great time on our field trip. We learned about liquid nitrogen!

Spelling: Unit 28 next week
CL: nothing
Science: projects are due on Monday
Geo: study guide is due on Wednesday
English: ws for Monday
Lit: ws for Monday
Health: review for Monday
CE: News quiz for Tuesday
Art: nothing
Music: nothing

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Remember to bring a lunch tomorrow!

We will still have our spelling test tomorrow and art should be handed in tomorrow as well.

Today we started a study of the book of Galatians by the way.

Spelling: test TOMORROW
CL: nothing
Science; project for Monday
Geo: ws packet for Wednesday
English: ws for Monday
Health: review for Monday
Lit: 3 ws for Monday
CE: nothing
Art: 4 panel pic for FRIDAY
Music: nothing
Math: Investigation 10 1-14 including the drawings

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Today we worked on our space race projects some more. We also wrapped up another chapter on Asia. One more to go! We also talked about irrational numbers in math, intensive and reflexive pronouns in English, and we are working on several language aspects with Shakespeare for literature.


Spelling: unit 27 for TOMORROW, test Friday
CL: none
Science: project for Monday
Geo: test form for Wednesday
English: ws for Monday
Lit: 3 ws for Monday
CE: none
Health: review pages for Monday
Art: 4 panel project
Music: none

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Today we started a new project for science. We are researching major milestones of the space race. Each group is going to take 10 of the major events of the space race and put them into a timeline. Each group will be able to defend why they thought that event was "major". Then they will state which country they felt "won" the space race and explain how their 10 events back that up. We also continued with the history and governments of South East Asia. In English we took on object complement nouns and adjectives, reflexive and intensive pronouns and contractions. Yea, we'll spend a few days on this. In math we met with Mr. Pythagoras and learned about his theory.

Spelling: unit 27 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: nothing
Science: space project for Monday
Geo: nothing
English: nothing
Lit: nothing
Math: set 99 skip 2,3,6,7,14,20,22
Art: 4 panel pic
Music: nothing
Health: review for Monday
CE: nothing

Monday, April 22, 2013

And we're back! Thanks for joining us for another edition of "What did my child do in school today and what does he have to do for tomorrow!" Good questions. In Christ Light we continued to talk about God's gift of sex. We have been talking about what is ok for dating, how to treat each other, and what things should be saved for marriage. We finished our series of videos on the American space program by learning about the start of the International Space Station. We then started looking at the history and governments of South East Asia. We did a very cursory glance at it and still have a ways to go. In English we reviewed the patterns we have learned so far since we will get some new ones in the next chapter. In math we tackled scale factor today.

Shakespeare's birthday tomorrow!
Field trip Friday!

Spelling: unit 27 for Thurs, test Friday
CL: none
Science: none
English: ws for TOMORROW
Lit: none
Math: set 98 skip 1,6,8,9,13,26,28 TOMORROW
Art: 4 panels Friday
Music: nothing
CE: news quiz for TOMORROW
Health: review pages for next Monday

Friday, April 19, 2013

Greetings. We are starting to take a look at the history and culture of South and East Asia. We also talked about similar triangles and how to find measurements indirectly. We heard some music from Irving Berlin and George Gershwin as well.

Spelling: Unit 27 for Thursday, test Friday
CL: none
Science: none
Geo: ws for MONDAY
English: none
Lit: none
Math: set 97 skip 3,4,6,10,13,17
Art: 4 panels
Music: none
CE: Newsquiz
Health: none

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Hamlet died. We spent much of the day wrapping up Hamlet. We also learned how to estimate angle measurements and using the distributive property with letters. Helped us forget how gloomy it was outside.

Spelling: Test TOMORROW
Math: set 96 skip 1-4, 11, 23 for TOMORROW